Chapter 1: The Call

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It was raining.
Bruce  Wayne was sat at his desk in Wayne Manor, bored to death. Ever since he put the Joker in Arkham Asylum, life for the caped crusader had been dull.
Bruce perked up at once, however, when he saw the BatSignal in the sky outside. Mere seconds later, as he assumed it would, the phone atop Bruce's  desk rang. He answered it to hear the Commissioner's voice on the other end .
"Hello, Bruce. We've had an issue."
"Hey, Comish!" he answered eagerly, always excited to be on a mission. "I saw the BatSignal out of my window. What's going on?"
"I came into my office just now to find an anonymous note on my desk saying that the Joker would break out of Arkham  Asylum tonight." the Commissioner responded gravely.
"Not again!" Bruce groaned.
"My thoughts exactly." Commissioner Gordon affirmed. "Get to Arkham as soon as you can. I have spoken to the guards there already, they are expecting you."
"O.K. Comish, will do!" came Bruce's reply, before the beep on the Commissioner's phone, meaning Bruce had hung up.
"Always gotta be the first, doesn't he!" Gordon thought to himself.
ok this is the end of the first chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm so excited for the next part 😁😁😁🤣💜

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