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Scene 1 - In the auditorium.

A middle aged men is standing on the stage, lip is embellished with a wise smile, he looks prosperous, immaculately attired. The whole auditorium is doused in silence and serenity, excited for his next word.

He continues, "If you search something in Google and you don't find any result that means either you've searched something stupid or you've searched something extraordinary which nobody has ever thought."

Nobody claps 'cause his every word is a quote itself. Before he continues with his next word a tired husky voice interrupts. He follows the voice, squints, finds a girl is standing somewhere in the middle row of arena. She is abeer, 20, a girl with imperfect beauty, head is covered with blue scarf, lips are dry in anxiety and there are dark signs of sleepless nights under her wide hooded eyes.

She holds mic and says "I searched something in Google but I didn't find any result."

He looks at her intriguingly, She continues, "Does anyone come out of our dream?"

Everyone starts to laugh.

"I think they have given you the answer." he says with witty tone.

Scene 2- Outside of a cafe.

Abeer is sitting outside of a cafe, holding a cup of hot coffee between her hands. Her eyes are filled with mist, and she is looking at the flamboyant natural beauty of Shillong, and looking at those pine trees touching the lachrymose sky, and listening the melody of Zephyr. Xia, an immaculate girl of Mongolian race, sitting next to her. She knows that Abeer will say anything, so she is waiting.

"Everyone laughs at me when I tell them I fell in love with someone in my dream, people laugh at me harder when I say even I met that guy in reality. I don't know if he is my delusion or I'm sick. But everytime when I see him I feel like I've knowing him for years." she says, her eyes are brimmed with tears.

Scene 3 - In the car.

Advit, he is that boy abeer was talking about. He is 21, tall and urban. A soft slow music is humming inside the car and he is lip-synching, not because he likes the music but to avoid the conversation. Abeer is sitting next to him. Staring at him gravely.

"Can you tell me one thing honestly?" She asks. He doesn't say anything as he knows what she is going to ask.

"How did you come out of my dream?" She asks.

He laughs, it looks completely bogus laugh. He answers "You're still living in those days of fairy tales."

Scene 4 - In the kitchen.

Advit is scrutinizing something in the cupboard, moving jars in clumsy way. And Abeer is standing there, waiting for his reply.

She again asks "How did you come out of my dream?"

Scene 5- on the bed.

Advit and abeer both are laying on a bed. This is the first time advit is looking at her eyes without any hesitation. The way he is looking it seems like he had been waiting for this day for a long time and now he doesn't want to blink.

"Now tell me how did you come out of my dream?" She whispers.

He sighs, finally decides to say the truth "Okay, I'm going to tell you, but darling, don't be surprised."

Don't be surprised [Wattys2019]Where stories live. Discover now