Chapter 1

38 3 2

***this was also written with my cousin 

"Come on, Duran! We are going to be late!" I yell over my shoulder. I duck my head under a branch that came close to hitting me in the face. I fly higher to get a better view of how far we are from the school. Duran catches pace with me and we soar over the trees.

The school finally reaches our view. We fly higher into the clouds and with one glance at Duran, we dive down. The wind whistles past with phenomenal force. This is my favorite part of flying-freediving. I spread my wings in time to make a soft landing before I hit the ground. Behind me, Duran doesn't make as a soft landing as me but at least he doesn't go splat.

The courtyard is filled with students. I see new Centaurs, Unicorns (boys and girls), Mermaids on feet (they can change), Wizards, Dragon boys and girls (they can also change), Fawns (half goat, half human), Gryffin (boys and girls), Faeries, and a variety of others.

"I have always hated the first day of school," mumbles my twin brother.

"Oh, why are you always so grumpy?" I say scornfully. "I think school is fun!"

School at Nymphadora Academy has always been fun in my opinion. I just love the classes, teachers, and students. It is humongous! The main courtyards is half a mile in diameter and the school surrounds the courtyard.

We live in dorms. Last year, I had a roommate that I met, now, she is my best friend. Nixie is her name. And she is a faerie just like me. I haven't seen her all summer and I really hope she is my roommate again.

The students are supposed to gather in the center of the courtyard so I fly there. I spot Nixie almost immediately. Her long, blue hair is so obvious in the crowd.

"Nixie!" I cry.

She turns her head and spots me in the air. She grins and waves. I land beside her and she says, "They are just handing out the schedules. I hope me and you are roommates again! I wonder if we have the same classes! Ooooh, I am so excited, I could scream!"

I laugh and we wait patiently for our schedules. A tall professor, most likely a Wizard, hands me and Nixie our schedules before going around to other students with theirs. Mine reads:

Name: Hummingbird, Ora

Roommate: Bane, Zatanna

Locker number: 107



[Morning Meal]

1st Period - History

2nd Period - Magic

3rd Period - Faerie class

4th Period - Calculus

[Afternoon Meal]

5th Period - Elective (Choir)

6th Period - Elective (Art)

7th Period - Fables / Wives' Tales

8th Period - Literature

[Evening Meal]


Oh, so me and Nixie aren't roommates. I'm disappointed about that, but excited to meet my new roommate. I wonder who Zatanna is. I haven't heard of her. Hopefully she is nice.

"What classes do you have?" I say as I read over her shoulder. She reads them off and our only class together is Calculus and Faerie Class.

"Sorry, Ora," she says, "We can see each other at lunch though," she says, trying to make the best of the situation as she usually does.

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