-sangwoos mother point of view
What does this all mean, life , I don't understand the emothions that rain through me, is their no right or rong. if so I cant decifier.
this brings me pain, and why cant it just be me and him. but even than is he enof, I look for more, from others, from other men.
am I broken, no I am sick.
My boy my son.
strong and grown, he stands before me, he looks like his father, I don't know if that's good or not, but even so I am proude.
on earth, I am a broken women, here on earth, I have no purpose, I could have, no I could have left a long time ago, but theirs you your my reason why.
if it wasent for you my existance here would be no more, everything I do, I do it for you, I hopw you understand.
My boy is my life - killing stalking
Randomthis Is sangwoo and his mother, raised as a child to be a sociopath I know trama effects us humans in ways we cant even imagin. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=6X6mmUCk&id=0EF957CEBED9DA187A7438727325EC530CDC18CA&thid=OIP.6X6mm...