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Hey. I'm Lavender Smith and I'm 17 years old. I have long, Brown hair and brown eyes. "Lavender!" Dad shouts. "Yea?" I shout back. "Come here" he shouts back. I run down stairs. "What's up?" I ask. "Well, Marissa and I" Marissa is his girlfriend "got you a treat" he says and pulls out a pair of tickets. For the vamps. "Oh my gosh thank you dad! And thanks Marissa" I squeal. "I'll be taking you and picking you up as your father has work that night, darling" she tells me. "Thanks" I smile. Dad walks out the room and then the real Marissa appears. "I'm not actually going to go with you. You can get the train yourself you little brat. I'm going out clubbing" She snarls. "Dad, I'm off to school" I yell then leave. "Hey trouble!" My best friend Sean smiles. "Coming from you" I laugh. "Guess who's got tickets to see the vamps next month" I smirk, happy dancing. "well done, lav" he laughs. We carry on walking when my head collides with the ground. Here we go. "Let's have some fun" my bullies whisper as they toss me around. Sean frowns. "Leave her alone!" He shouts. "It's fine. I'm used to it" I tell him. "I'll meet you at school" I add. When he's gone, one of the says "your little friend just made things so much worse for you" and they all laugh. Please don't let the day be worse than this

When I arrive at school, an arm wraps around my waist. "Hey hot stuff" I look up and see my boyfriend Tom. "Tom!" I smile and hug him. He kisses me. "Everyone's staring" I mutter. "Let them stare" he says. I blush. "But I -" I start. "I said, let. Them. Stare" he growls. I wince. He can be scary sometimes. "Come with me" he says in a voice that gets me to do whatever he asks. I follow him. "Tom you scared me" I confess. "At least you know who's boss in this relationship" he grins. I stop. The boss? Talk about red flag. "You know what? We're done" I snap. I'm not staying at school. I'm going to my hideout - I text Sean:
Cover for me. I'm at the hideout x
When I get there I pull my phone out and listen to what always cheers me up - the vamps and I tweet :
Having a suckish day so listening to @thevampsband as their music always cheers me up
As I'm listening to wild heart my phone pings. I assume it's Sean but it's Twitter :
So glad we help cheer you up. Sorry to hear you're having a bad day though - Connor x
I freak out. Connor is my fave.
@Thevampscon followed you back
I decide to dm him thanking him
Hey. Thanks for the follow
He replies with :
It's okay. Hope you feel better soon - con
Thanks. Just broke up with my boyfriend so feeling a bit down I guess - Lavender
Awe, break ups suck. Who'd want to leave you tho - con

Sean arrives at the hideout a few hours later. "What you doing tomorrow night?" He asks. I look up in shock then at my phone then back at him. "Meeting up with the vamps" I say. "What?!" He yells. "I know!" I respond, showing him the messages. "How come you left?" He asks. "Tom" and I show him the marks on my wrist from where he grabbed it. "Why do people always abuse me?" I cry. He hugs me. "It's okay sweetie" he whispers. My phone pings. I look at it. "Oh. My. Days. The rest of the band just followed me and the band account" I gasp, shocked. "So glad it's Saturday tomorrow" I grin. He smirks. "You in with the band" he laughs. "I'll mention you, honey" I say  innocently. "Now, we eat!" I order and we eat crisps, chocolate and ice cream. "STRAWBERRY!" We yell together and fall to the floor in laughter.

Next day
"Dad, I'm going out!" I yell. I run out. I'm wearing blue ripped jeans, a purple t-shirt saying I'm unique and some red converse. When I get there I see my four favourite boys. "Lavender?" He asks me. I nod shyly. "Boys, this is Lavender" he introduces me. I wave shyly. "So, you're the girl our wickle con con hasn't Sh-" But Connor puts his hand over brad's mouth. "Ignore him he's the crazy one" Connor says. I blush. "Come on, let's go inside. It's freezing" James says. I follow the lads. "Nice to see you" he says. "Same to you" I whisper. "Why so quiet? You're normally very chatty" he asks. "Just really nervous" I smile as I limp. "What's up?" Tristan asks when he sees me limping. "I, erm, fell over" I lie. I'm still in pain from when I was pushed over yesterday but I'm not telling anyone about that. Not even these lovely lads. Connor grabs hold of my hand. "You don't have to tell us about it if you don't want want to" he whispers. "Thank you, Connor" I smile. "You can call me con you know, Lavender" he says. "You can call Lav if you want, then" I say. He knew I was lying but didn't ask about it? He really is super lovely. We go and sit in the living room. "What do you want to watch?" He asks. I look at the boys then ask "do you have the lion king?" I ask. "Yes yes YES!" Tristan exclaims excitedly. I raise my eyebrows in shock. The rest of the boys groan. "Not again" Connor grumbles. "Every damn time for the past three weeks" Brad sulks. "We wanted to have something different this time" James frowns. Tristan glares. "But it's the lion king" I pout, giving the puppy dog eyes. "Fine" Connor pouts. "Thank you!" Me and Tristan happy dance. We put the film on and start watching. The other lads start talking and I whip my head round at Connor and go "sshh" he rolls his eyes. When it gets to the Mufasa death bit me and Tristan cry. "But he's just a lion" Brad says. "He wasn't just a lion, he was a king!" I shout. "See! She gets it!" He exclaims. When it's over, they go to the kitchen to get some drinks which leaves me on my own. I pull my trouser leg up to check my bandage. "Sugar cookies" I mutter. I grab a bandage out of my bag to change it and James walks in. "What the -" he asks. "It's nothing" I lie. "Con, come here!" He shouts. "No, really it's -" I start but Connor walks in and sits in front of me. "Lav, What happened?" He asks. "I-I-I can't" I stutter. "Please, tell me" he whispers, stroking my cheek. I relax as he does this. "I'm sorry" I whisper. "For what?" He asks. "For lying about why I was limping" I answer, and take my bandage off. "What happened?" He asks. "It wasn't that guy you broke up with, was it?" He asks, eyes flashing. "No, don't worry. It wasn't Tom" I say truthfully. "Who was it?" He asks, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as Tristan and Brad walk in. "These girls that bully me" I tell him, as a tear falls down my cheek. He changes my bandage for me. He helps me up as we walk to the kitchen, me limping again. He wipes my tears away. "Can I stay at yours tonight? I don't really want to go home? My dad's girlfriend is a cow and is mean to me" I ask. He nods. "Sure" he smiles as I get me a drink of Pepsi cherry. He laughs. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. It's just that's my favourite drink too" he chuckles. "Favourite? It's all he ever drinks, most of the time" Brad teases. "What's with the bandage?" He then asks. I explain to him and Tristan the story. "Bullies suck" Brad comments. "Yep. And my ex did this" I hold my wrist up to show them what Tom did. "Crap, it's got worse since yesterday" I mutter. It's now got a small bruise. "You're better off without him" Tristan says as we go into the front. "I feel better since I dumped him" I say truthfully. My phone pings.
Hey, try not have too much fun without me. Loves ya. Sean x
"Who's Sean?" Con asks. "My best friend. He's like a brother to me" I tell him. He ruffles my hair playfully. "Don't mess my hair up" I say warningly. I stare at his eyes and notice how much they shine. I stutter a bit. He stares back at me. My insides go all funny, in a good way. I see the others back out the room slowly. Con moves towards me, stroking my cheek. His lips crash against mine. It feels so good. I lock my arms around the back of his neck. "Be mine?" He asks. I nod. "Yes" I blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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