You Slept With My Sister and I'm The One Carrying Your Child?

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---------- Chapter One ---------

I placed one foot in front of the other; each click of my heel led me to the dreaded door of my apartment. I didn't know how I was going to tell him...

I mean I knew he loved me with the evidence of the three karat ring on my left hand, but this was big news. I could barely cope with the news myself, but with him who knows what might happen...

I pulled the keys from my purse and pretended to fumble to find the right one, despite the fact I only had three on my keychain... Breathe in, breathe out... Come on Haylee Daniels you can do this, now open the goddamn door!

I took another deep breath and unlocked the door. I peeped around the doorframe and saw nothing out of the ordinary; so I stepped inside and dropped my keys in the bowl by the door and with placed my purse alongside it. That's when I spotted the perfect man sitting on the couch with a nervous look on his face.

I slipped off the Louis Vuitton heels and felt the sensation of my feet on cold wooden tiles. There's nothing like removing six inch heels off your feet after a long hard day at work.

I walked over to the couch and plopped myself next to the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. "Hey baby" I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder; feeling his body twitch when I did "What's wrong?" I asked.

He turned to me, green eyes blazed. "We need to talk" well that's a promising start...

"Okay shoot, what's bothering you?"

He took a deep breath and sighed "I don't know where to start..."

"The beginning?" I laughed hoping to lighten the mood.

"Haylee, I'm sorry" He said ruffling his dark brown hair in frustration

"Tristan, tell me what's wrong" This was a first, over the last three years I've known him I've never seen him this frustrated.

"I have to leave" That was when I noticed his luggage by the doorway I guess observation wasn't a skill I should put on my résumé.

"Another business trip?" My eyebrows furrowed he was always on trips across the country. Leaving me alone for months alone each year...

"Not this time, I have to leave.... you" Not once did his gaze leave the floor

"What? Why?" tears were glistening in my eyes

"I've done something bad, really bad-" He raised his hand to silence me, "and I don't want you spending the rest of our lives based on a lie, what I've done is the worst thing anyone can do in a relationship."

The tears I tried to keep in my eyes refused to stay where they were. They streamed along my face with most of my make up with it; maybe it was time I invested in waterproof mascara.

"You cheated on me?"He nodded and my tears were flowing harder than they were before. "W-who?" I stammered

"That's not important Haylee, just know I'm sorry"

"Tristan Jonathan Edwards tell me who it was" my emotions all over the place, but now all I wanted was answers. I knew the man in front of me since the first day we met, him spilling his iced tea all over my shirt in Starbucks. To the day he proposed on Christmas day last year, in the most romantic setting in the chalet amongst the snow. Until today, now all he was doing was shredding my heart in to a thousand pieces.

"Anne" he whispered

"Anne... Anne... ANNE? ANNE DANIELS?" I yelled I couldn't have felt more betrayed "My own sister..." I couldn't believe it... my fiancé and my oldest sister. "How- wait no, why?"

You Slept With My Sister and I'm The One Carrying Your Child? (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now