Logbook no. 12

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Mission log, day 27, around noon. 

Run out of other options, we decided to explore the yesterday to explore the cave. Gillian claimed she knew enough about speleology to make this sound like a piece of cake. The doc supported her, and so I didn't tell them about my claustrophobia. Anyway, we were in for a major surprise.

     Why would anyone want to go in a huge, hollow, alien cave in the first place? Who in their right minds?

      But well, here we are, preparing...

     I cross-check to see whether I've overlooked something- anything; especially the essentials.

    Well, a flashlight was the last thing I ticked off in my notepad.

    And I left, joining doc, who was outside our tents.

Soon, we're all here- doc, Raphael, Gillian, Raspy and me.

      There are grey cumulonimbus clouds, as our proud weatherman, Raphael tells us. And we all laugh as Raspy teases him.

     Enough said; it's time to go.

We've carried everything- blankets, harpoons, food, flashlights, lots of batteries, water-proof backpacks, gumboots and yes- Raphael and doc are carrying our inflatable balloons.

    Besides the items mentioned and some few medical pieces of equipment, the doc also has maps collected around, in the ruins not far off our base by the ancient inhabitants. These are the maps through some areas of what he thinks is the cave.

     Gillian has the technical items in her bag. Well, she claimed to know geology more.

     And now as we approach the cave, it looks darker than it looked before.

      "Well, shall we?"

      I'd expected those words from Raphael, but then, they've come from Gillian. Raphael knew about my claustrophobia and from what I felt, he could do just that.

     Here it is, and with Raphael silent, of course.

    I feel like killing him now.

Mission log, day 28, morning

It got dark yesterday and wanting to preserve ink and energy, I decided to push the writing till today.

     It's still dark in this cave, and the second day in it.

     Everything still seems fine, except that we've stepped into some water.

    It's good news that we have gumboots on.

Mission log, day 28, evening

We've been walking for quite a while now until it almost seems we're lost.

      Doc, Gillian, and Raphael are discussing the issue while the rest of us are left to take care of the items.

     The cave still is dark, and the ways through the cave are becoming too many.

     However, there's no big worry- if we're lost, we'll call for help. Gillian has a walkie-talkie.

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