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I woke my alarm clock blaring. I groaned and turned it off I then got up and got dressed just some black ripped Jean's a black veil brides shirt and my black denim jacket and my combat boots. I decided to go get some coffee since it was a nice day. I arrived at the shop and sat down after I ordered and got my drink and I scrolled through my Instagram. "Shit!" I turned my head to see a tall man with short hair bending over to clean up the coffee he spilled I decided to get up and help him "here let me help you." I said looking down and putting some napkins down to help him clean it "Its ok I got it." He said I know I recognized that voice but I couldn't put my finger on it "No it's ok I want to help you!" I said lifting my head to be met with those ice blue eyes and sharp jawline I blinked my eyes to make sure I wasnt seeing anything or if I had eyeliner in my eye "Your eyes..." he said with wide eyes and I looked away closing my eyes I had always hated how they looked they were dull with no pupil but I can still see perfectly fine "I'm sorry I can just go now." I said getting up and I felt the guy grab my wrist "your eyes are beautiful!" He said standing up and looking at my shirt "So your a fan huh?" And that's when it clicked it was andy "y-yeah..." I stuttered and then I started crying "hey it's ok!" He said hugging me and I just cried "I just wanted to say thank you...for keeping me alive...I rolled up my sleeves of my jacket and showed him all the scars and the one across my veins when I tried to commit suicide last month "thank you!" I said crying "Hey hey calm down it's ok!" He placed a finger under my chin and made me look at him I could see the concern in his eyes. "Do you want to come on tour with us?" He said and I sniffled and shook my head yes "I would love to." I said hugging him and I felt kiss the top of my head "let's go get your stuff together." I nodded and we walked put of the coffee shop and went to my apartment and I seen my abusive "boyfriend" he's not really my boyfriend but he thinks he is. He turned his head to me and I seen the anger on his eyes "Where were you!" He yelled and stormed at me and I put my arms up scared he would hit me. "I wanted to get coffee!" I said and I felt him kick me and I yelped in pain "I didnt tell you you could get coffee you whore!" He said and that's when andy said something "Hey leave her alone! She is here to get her shit! She is coming to live with me!" Andy said and helped me up "No she is not!" And then I snapped "YES I AM YOU CAN NOT CONTROL ME I AM NOT A TOY FOR YOU TO USE AND THEN THROW AWAY I AM A HUMAN BEING! YOU AREN'T EVEN MY BOYFRIEND YOU JUST THINK YOU ARE AND IM DONE WITH THE ABUSE AND IM DEFINITELY NOT GONNA LET YOU RAPE JUST LIKED YOU RAPED ME FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT! I NEVER WANTED YOU TO BE THE ONE WHO GOT TO TAKE MY VIRGINITY YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed and slapped him and I stormed into the apartment and I grabbed all of my stuff and packed it along with a box of blades just to be safe. I walked out with a tear stained face "Let's go." I said and started to walk "hey wait up!" Andy said catching up with me and grabbing my hand interlacing our fingers "He raped you last night?" Andy said with a shaky voice "Yes and I was a virgin...it hurt so bad...it was so bad...he just used ne like a toy.." I said and started to tear up "I'm so sorry..." andy said hugging me as we walked.
-Time skip-
We eventually got to the bus with all the guys and andy knocked on the door and jinxx opened the door "Su- Andy?" Jinxx said raising an eyebrow "Just let us in jinxx!" Andy said and jinxx moved out of the way and we got on the bus and Andy took me back to his bunk and helped me unpack my clothes "What's this?" He said pulling out a box of blades. "N-nothing its empty just an old box." I said and he opened the box and a ton of little blades fell out "really?" He said picking them up and flushing them "Andy! Get out here now!" I heard Cc yell "And bring the girl!" Ashley yelled. We walked out and I started to shake "Who the hell is she?" Jake asked and I looked up and they seen my eyes and gasped "Her eyes..." Ashley said and I looked down "Andy we need to talk in private!" The guys said and they walked to the bunk and started to yell "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING ANDY!" Ashley yelled "YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER!" Cc yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP I HAD TO GET HER AWAY FROM THE ABUSE! IF YOU ARENT AWARE SHE WAS RAPED LAST NIGHT!" I hear andy scream and I started to cry "JESUS CHRIST ANDY! SO YOU BRING HER ON THE BUS!" jinxx yelled "YES I DO BECAUSE SHE IS UNIQUE AND NEEDED HELP!" Andy screamed back and I started to shake as I cried "ANDY HOW OLD IS SHE!?" I heard cc scream "IM 20!" I screamed as I cried and I collapsed to the ground. Andy ran out hugging me "shhhh ok!" He said hugging me "Who knew that my idols were such assholes besides you andy..." I said looking at them blinking my eyes "her idols...?" Cc said. I stood up and walked back to Andy's bunk and sat on the floor crying "Hey it's ok I'm here." Andy crouched next to me. "Why dint they like me is it my eyes?" I said looking at Andy   crying "no it's not any of that! They do like you they just thought you were..dangerous but your not." He said picking me up and placing me in his bunk and covering me up "get some sleep ok." He said walking away. I felt my self drift to sleep.
-Andys p.o.v-
I laid cadence down so she could sleep. I walked out to the guys "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled at all of them "were sorry..." the all said looking down "You should be! She is not dangerous! She is so sweet!" I said feeling angry "andy..please.." I turned to see cadence looking at me sleepily wearing an oversized shirt "Assholes!" I said to the guys before walking over to cadence "I had a nightmare!" She said crying "It was about my brother gerard who k-killed himself last year... I had a dream he screamed and said he wished it was me who died!" She said collapsing and I caught her as she cried. "Come on let's lay down and go to sleep." I said taking off my shirt after I set her in the bunk and I put on a pair of shorts and I climbed in my bunk and she cuddled up to me "I cold!" She said cuddling closer and I laughed and I rolled over to face her and I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in my neck and I covered us up and we both drifted to sleep. 

-My pov-
I woke up to find myself being bear hugged by andy while he slept and I realized he was shirtless and my face heated up "Morning..." he said opening his eyes and stretching and his muscles flexed "M-M-Moring." I said stuttering "How did you sleep?" He said sitting up "G-Good." I said and he looked at me "Hey your eyes have a pupil now!" He said and I rushed to look in the mirror And they did have a pupil "Oh my god!" I said and I jumped up and down with happiness "Thank you!" I said and hugged him wrapping my arms around him "For what?" He laughed "You made me happy like truly happy! Now my eyes arent dull!" I said and hugged him tighter "I'm glad I could help." He said hugging me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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