random 002

19 0 0

I just had this big ass thought what if everyone was on the same tier like poor people aint poor an rich people aint rich we're all just n o r m a l like no one starves, no one dies of horrible reasons, no one wonders if they gonna die today or tomorrow, like just a normal world where everyones happy, war doesn't exist people dont get judged on their religion or looks just a plain old accepting world like, yes please people can be so mean sometimes an it gets annoying like the other day these girls were making fun of one of my friends just because of the type of shoes she was wearing like since when did what you wear on your feet ever matter? I care so much about my friends its funny like i spend so much time an care just to put a smile on their faces so they dont think about the fact that their parents are getting a divorce i dont know how it feels because my parents never got married but i do know how if feels to feel like somthing is your fault or like you're not good enough mabe if you try harder you wont get yelled at but praised? Dont think like that just lift up your head and go. Complete that level and get up and live.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk lmao.

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