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10 am Jonas apartment

She woke up in a bed that wasn't hers and felt an arm resting around her waist. For a split second she thought it it was Chris, since it was a familiar feeling. But she quickly remembered all that had happened the day before. (At Sana's party)

She turned around to face a sleeping Jonas, it felt wired.

She felt like she went back to a time she finally got over, as if all the hard work she had put into moving forward from her relationship with Jonas and finding herself, was for nothing. She was mad at herself for ending up like this.

She didn't like Jonas.

So why did she kiss him yesterday?

Because she saw Chris kissing Emma, and she didn't want to admit it, but she was hurt.

And Jonas happened to be there, and he looked at her in a way that she knew so well. And she was nostalgic, with the party feeling like an ending to something, with William and Chris coming back, with everyone getting their happy ending. She wanted one too.

She could have had one with Chris.

No. Why is she thinking that? She didn't want Chris, he wasn't serious. He kissed Emma.

Why did it bother her so much?

"Hey beautiful" her thoughts were cut off by Jonas waking up and smiling at her.

It was nothing compared to Chris's smile.

Why is she thinking about Chris all the time?
"Hey" she said nervously, she wasn't sure how she was going to get out of this situation.
"I'm so happy you're here" Jonas said to her,
"Jona-" she was cut of by him pressing his lips onto hers.

He kissed nothing like Chris.

Dammit Eva, Stop thinking about him!
"Jonas listen," she stopped the kiss and stared into his blue eyes who looked at her confused.

She knew she didn't want to think about him, but she couldn't get the image of waking up yesterday to Chris's green eyes looking at her and smiling his damn perfect smile.

"I think we made a mistake yesterday" she said to Jonas.

"Eva wait.." he protested as she stood up from the bed and started to put on her clothes.
"Jonas I'm sorry, I just can't go back to this, I've finally moved on." She said while gathering her things.
She felt bad for leaving him like this but she didn't want to be with him, yesterday was a moment of weakness.

A moment of weakness caused by Chris kissing someone else?

Why did she care so much? She just told him she would never date him.

"Is it because of Chris?"
She turned around to look at Jonas,
"Because if it is it's useless, he doesn't care about you, he kissed Emma." He said to her.

She looked at him surprised, but more surprised at herself that his words hurt her.
"No Jonas, it is not because of Chris. I just don't think this is good for me right now." She said and pointed at both of them.

"Eva you know that's not true, Chris is playing with you, he would never look at you differently from any other of his girl hookups, and you're stupid for believing something serious could ever happen between you two. He is not good for you, I am."

Eva couldn't believe what he was saying to her. Here he was again with making her feel stupid, and undermining her. And that's exactly why their relationship ended.

"Jonas I'm sorry but you don't know what is good for me and what isn't! it is for me to decide. So no, you are not good for me, you are the complete opposite, and I am very disappointed at myself for putting us both in this situation."
She said and left the room ignoring him calling for her to wait and come back.

10:30 walking home
All the way back to her house she was thinking about what Jonas said to her about Chris. Does he think she doesn't know that? That he is a fuckboy? that nothing serious could happen between them?

Did she want something to happen?

No. It's exactly what she told Chris the other day.

So why when she was repeating Jonas's words in her head she found herself hoping they were wrong?

Because he was wrong!

No he wasn't. Chris kissed Emma.

And you kissed Jonas, so?

No, she had to stop thinking about Chris and move on.

But she didn't want to.

Hiii this is my first story, I would love fidback and comments ( if anyone even reads this lol)
English is not my first language so sorry if there are any errors.
I just thought that the ending of skam was complete bullshit so I needed to make it right!

New episodes will come soon ❤️

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