Bake Off 2: For Love.

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Chapter 1: For Love.

Christmas had been fantastic, Tom had given me lots of present's the best being my engagement ring. I had rung around my family and friends, they were all very happy even Stephen's family were happy for me.

It was the 27th December, Tom was making breakfast and i was sat on the sofa reading Pride and Prejudice, this book had got me through many a lonely night before everything that had happened with Phillip Rogers. I suddenly began to panic, my breathing became quick and painful, horrible thoughts started swirling around my head, i ran to Tom's office then out onto the balcony, leaning against the rail taking in deep breaths. I fell to my knee's just trying to hold my side and breath deeply, my rib's were strapped but yet felt like they had just been broken again.

"Karen! where are you?" Tom yelled from the kitchen.

He soon came running out looking panicked and falling to his knee's in front of me.

"God love, i was afraid you had disappeared" he said out of breath and placing a hand on his chest.

I looked up at him "I'm sorry i just needed some fresh air" i didn't want to worry him with the thoughts that were haunting me.

"Are you OK? breakfast is ready,let's go back inside, it's too cold out here" Tom said standing and holding his hands out to me.

I smiled at him and took his hands as he helped me up "I'm fine Tom". I walked inside with him holding his hand then sitting down to the breakfast he had made, we sat eating when the front door suddenly opened and in walked Luke with Nik behind being helped in by Max.

"Nik!" I squealed and got up to greet him with open arms.

I hugged Nik carefully, both of us knowing how much pain the other was in pain, we all sat back in the kitchen talking over breakfast while Tom made some more tea.

After i got dressed i went back down stairs, Tom and Nik were talking and laughing.

"Hey beautiful, what do you want to do today" Tom asked whilst putting his shoes on, then he looked up at me concerned "Is everything alright love?".

I looked at Tom then to Nik and then back to him "Can we go visit the kid's and Steve?".

Tom crossed to me holding me in his arm's.

"Of course love, you wanted to go before all this happened, we can visit your parent's too, they want to see you. We can go now if you want to pack a few thing's while i talk to Max and Luke".

"Thank you, what would i do with out you? Hey Nik you coming?" i said as i kissed Tom on the cheek.

"Yeah i would love too" he said standing.

Tom nodded and went to see Max and Luke while i slowly packed some clothes for us. 3 hour's later we were parked up outside of my house. We had lunch with my brother and his children Jasmine and Christopher, i had brought their Christmas presents, An ibox with lot's of games for Chris, An iphone 5c and new look shopping vouchers. For Michael i took him to one side while Tom played on the xbox with Chris and Nik sat talking to Jasmine about the phone.

"I want you to have this" i said handing him thick page's of A4 paper.

"What is it?" he said taking it and looking at me questioningly.

"It's the mortgage deed, Tom's solicitor got it transferred into your name, this house now belong's to you, it's all paid for, the house is your's outright, do with it what you see fit".

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