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It was a quiet night, I was walking on the ledge of the bridge, thinking that I was going to end it all. "No one wanted me in their life.......not even those vamps...." I took another step closer to the end of the ledge.

Then something caught my attention, thankfully......

"Get back here you BLOOD SUCKING MONSTER!" A man dressed in blue yells while running after a young man. That man in blue was what we call a "Police Man" They were honored in my town like saviors. My town is inhabited by us humans and those "vamps", The Police Men were the ones who would protect us from "them"

The police stop chasing that man after he saw me. "Hey, Young lady what are you doing? It's dangerous. Get off the ledge." He tried to pull my arm, I resisted. "LET GO OF ME! EVERY TIME I DO NEED HELP NO ONE IS THERE BUT WHEN I DON'T NEED IT.......URGH STOP BOTHERING ME!" I though those would be my last words as I jumped off the bridge. I blacked out was the cold hard water strikes my back.


"Hey, wake up.....HEY!" I could hear a guy yelling at me. It's was probably the cop. "Hey get away from her, MONSTER!" My eyes shot open to see what was happening. The cop was beating up the young man from before. I couldn't stand it.

"Hey! Stop it!" I yelled at the cop. "Stop it? he was going to hurt you." The cop said still beating the heck out of that guy. But he wasn't fighting back. I gotta do something, I look around for the nearest and hardest thing I can find. It was some pipe that washed up on shore. I took a good swing at his head causing him to get knocked out.

The guy was still scared AF. His hands were over his head, still trying to protect himself. "It's okay now." I said kneeling down to him. "H...how would you know?" "Look the cop, he's knocked out, he wouldn't hurt us." I said faintly smiling at him.

He kept quiet, starring at my neck. "You're not afraid of me?" He questioned. "Why should I be?" "Cause..I'm a Vampire" he opened his mouth showing me his pointed teeth. "Well you can't change who you are, so there's no reason for me to hate you." I can see him smile a little, he looks so cute when he smiles. "Were you planning on committing suicide?" I look to the side, in embarrassment. "You were weren't you?" "Y....yeah" I managed to utter.

I suddenly hear foot steps near us. "Quick hide." I whispered to the guy. Then stood up and walked away from the passed out officer. "Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice. "Oh my gosh, Y/N thanks goodness you're safe." He hugged me. "J....jimin oppa, why are you here?" "Hyung is worried sick for you, what were you doing?!" I can tell that he's the only one who cares for me the most. "He's worried? Why should he be?" I said sarcastically. "Y/N, Hyung really cares about you, he almost lost his mind when you went missing..." "Really? Then why he CHEAT ON ME!" I can feel my eyes fill up with tears.

"Y/N, he-" "No oppa go tell him it's over." I turn my back to him, covering my face with my hands. "I understand your decision, I'll go tell him....." He patted my back then walked away. I couldn't hold it anymore. I broke down crying on the ground.

After a while of crying, I can feel someone caressing my back. "Hey, you okay?" The vampire guy asked me. "No.....He left me for a ****." "Is that why you....." " Y...yes. " I stood up wiping my tears away. He didn't really know what to say next. We just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. Soon later I broke the silent.

"Well it's getting really late, I guess we should both go home now...." I turn around and started to walk away. "So...you're not going to commit suicide anymore?" " So you want me to? even though you just saved me? I turn around giving him a questioning look. "No..no not at all." He scratched the back of his neck. "Good night then." I turn around and continue to walk away.

"Wait!" He yelled causing me to stop in my track. "Would be you so kind as to let me live with you for the time being....?" I was silent, didn't know how to respond. WHAT that **** just cheated on me, I almost died and now a VAMPIRE wants to live with me!!! "Oh, that sounded weird....I mean I don't have anywhere else to stay so..." "Fine you can stay at my house, you look harmless enough....let's just get going cause I wanna sleep..." It can't get any worse than this I signal him to follow me, his face lighted up show me his bunny smile. cute

This could be the worst decision I've ever made.......oh well


A/N: This my first book, please give me feedback if you want to....
If the English is weird, bad or plainly don't makes sense it's because English is my second language.

Anyway, I 💜 you!

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