Love Will Last

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I woke up as the morning sun crept through my eyelids. I opened my eyes and was momentarily blinded. I hated when my mom opened my blinds in the morning. I rolled over and groggily looked at the time, my eyes still foggy. It was 9:37 AM. Better get up, I thought. I shuffled out of bed and headed down to the kitchen.

When I got into the kitchen, my mom looked at me and said "Get ready I'm dropping you off at the park, remember?" I remembered. She had a meeting so she was letting me hang out at the park for a few hours.

"Okay..." I said and headed back to my room.

I put on my ripped jean shorts and my pineapple crop top. Then I put on my black vans and headed to the bathroom. I combed through my chocolate brown hair and straightened it. Then I applied my usual makeup; foundation, mascara, peach lipgloss, and nude eyeshadow.Then I told my mom I was ready to go at 10:15. We walked outside and got into the car. It was a quick drive to the park.

When we got there my mom pulled into the parking lot and dropped me off. She said, "I'll be back at around 2:00 hopefully. Be careful." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay...and I'll be fine mom I'm 16," I said. She smiled.

"I know, I know. See you later." She said. I waved to her as she drove away.

I looked around at the scenery. What am I going to do for a few hours?... I thought. There was a covered pavillion at the back of the park, so I decided to walk over to it and sit down. I put on my music and took out my sketchpad that I had brought along with me. I took out my pencil and I started to draw a mermaid. I was almost done when I realized there was a guy standing across from the pavillion by a wall and staring at me.

I would have been creeped out if he wasn't totally hot. He had dark brown flippy hair that was swept across his forehead. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes that were so blue, I could see them from where I was sitting. He had on a superman shirt that brought out the color in his eyes and also showed his muscles. He also had on ripped skinny jeans along with red converse.

When he noticed me looking back at him he smiled. And oh my god, that smile. He had a crooked smile and I noticed dimples too. I blushed and quickly looked back down.

I continued working on my drawing and from the corner of my eye, I could see he was making his way over to me. I tried to act like I didn't realize.

Just then, he was right next to me. I paused my music and kind of looked up at him. "Hey, I'm Jake." he said. His voice fit him because it was also hot. His voice was soft, yet deep and low, and it gave me this weird feeling. I felt like I knew him. I felt like I had heard his voice before. I pushed the feeling to the side then smiled.

"Hey I'm Autumn." I said. He smiled back at me and I could feel my heartbeat quickening. I casually looked back at my drawing and continued working on it.

I wondered why he was there. Just then he asked "Do I know you?..." I looked back up at him. He did seem familiar, but I didn't recognize him.

"No...I don't think so." I replied.

"Oh okay, you just looked familiar," he said. "Whatcha got there?" he then added pointing to my sketchpad.

"My sketchpad. I'm just drawing a mermaid..." I said.

"Can I see?" he asked. I handed him my sketchpad and as he took it our hands touched.

He looked at my drawing and his mouth ever so slightly opened. He looked back at me and said "This is amazing. Mind if I look at your other drawings?" I laughed lightly.

"Well thanks. And sure you can look at them." I said.

As he flipped through my drawings, I could tell he was really interested in them. When he was done he handed it back to me and said "Wow. You're really good at drawing." I opened my sketchpad back up to my mermaid drawing.

Love Will LastWhere stories live. Discover now