Part 1/1

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We all have fears, some are minor but some are deep nerve-wracking fears. We all think of overcoming those fears when we're lying on our bed but once we come in contact with them, we could do anything but face them. Same is the case with me, a middle school girl who just figured out that she has fear of water! It's not that I won't bath for days because I have this eerie fear, it's different, it's fear of dark blue watery colors, it's fear of depths, fear of deep dark water bodies and what lies beyond that darkness and this is what I call 'BATHOPHOBIA'. I knew I had this eldritch feeling when confronted with the murky unfathomable depths of water or pictures of deep water bodies even though I knew those were just some images still, it was more than hard for me to see those. So let's begin with my story, in 5th grade I joined an only girls swimming club and guess what? It was more like an olympic sized 9 meters deep pool and amazingly I was able to swim in that pool as nicely as a mermaid, with absolutely no fear. However, after swimming for some months I left that club and quit swimming, but then just after a year I joined the swimming classes in my school and that pool was just 4 meters deep so it was pretty easy for me to swim there. Until one day I went to the swimming class and no one else had shown up yet my instructor ordered me to swim alone, and that's when it all started. I stepped inside the pool and there's just me and the water, a chill runs down my spine, sweat beading on me despite being in water and suddenly those deadly images flash across my mind and I couldn't feel my legs anymore. That's when my instructor comes to check on me and I exit the pool. However, after this, the 7th grade went absolutely normal as I never went to the pool without my class mates.Later, as I came to 8th grade my school shifted to another place so that means the pool was changed too. I really wanted to quit swimming but unfortunately it was compulsory in my school and I had no choice. My first day in this new pool, and I go wondering of how deep it would be. That's when my instructor orders me to take a full length swim of the pool, a shiver ran down my chest as I was going to start but still held my breath and went far as I was moving I noticed the floor going down and the water getting darker and deeper. It was getting difficult for me to see beyond the darkness, I could feel my heart pounding on my chest so I just closed my eyes knowing that it's not going to last any longer until it all went dark... It felt as if something was pulling me towards the bottom with all it's force but I still didn't open my eyes. I could feel that whatever it was, it really wanted me! And I believe I passed out right at that moment...

I opened my eyes to find myself lying at the bottom of the pool.It was all dark I couldn't move.I tried screaming but it was of no use. Now it felt as if everything was coming to an end, I started to count my breaths until, it was pitch dark again.

Beep...Beep...Beep...I could feel that I was not in the water anymore, I was rescued as I  could hear voices trying to wake me up and another piercing voice of a woman crying and a man screaming and that's when I realized that the woman crying was my mom and the man screaming, my father! And now I actually knew that it was the end because I was dead...

BATHOPHOBIAWhere stories live. Discover now