Chapter 3: Partners

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Ireland's p.o.v.

When He was done introducing himself Mrs Brunelle had an Announcement. "Class since we have a new student I will arrange seats for all of you." she said.

Most of the students in the Class were happy but I for one was not, my partner was Eleanor and I don't want to sit next to anybody else because nobody likes me or ever wanted to talk to me.

Mrs Brunelle started calling names in Partners, since the desks fit two people each desk. I was very very sad when she called Eleanors name first and that she wasn't my partner instead she was partners with Alex he was tall had blonde/brown hair and brown eyes. You could say he is very mysterious.

I was done zoning out when I heard the teacher call my name." And last but not least Ireland will be partners with Harry"

Oh no, this can't be happening Kenzie will kill me if she finds out he's partners with me. I'm doomed, thank the heavens from above that she's not smart enough to be in this English class.

Mrs Brunelle pointed at the only desk left for us to sit in, the back. When I sat down next to Harry he kept staring at me. It was so hard not to stare back. Could this get any worse.

Suddenly I heard her say something that made me want to scream. "If you guys didn't notice. I arranged your seats with the people I havnt seen you ever talk to or communicate with." "I did this because both you and your partner will have to write an 7 paragraph letter about how you guys got to know each other, and facts about them and their life's. It doesn't have to be ten pages long but don't make it to short." "Now talk amongst yourselves cause that's the only way your gonna get those paragraphs done, oh and I almost forgot. You guys have about 4 months to do this because we won't be doing this in class and since its December."she finished.

The room began to be filled with people talking and lauphter. And I saw Harry staring at me again. Then I heard him start to talk to me while I was playing with my fingers, since I didn't know what to say or do. And plus it was pretty awkward.

"Hey errrmmm... You already know my name so can I ask you whats yours" he said smiling

Again I was trying not to smile but I guess it was really hard since his smile was contagious.

"My name is Ireland.... Ireland Hoffman. Your names Harry right." I smiled back.

"Yeah! You have a cool name ummm can I ask you a few questions for the 7 paragraph essay thing that we have to write." he asked nervously

"Thanks and sure, but after I get to ask you a few questions, Deal."


we then shook each other's hands and out of no where I started laughing and he started lauphing.when we stopped he started to talk.

"okay...ummmm whats your favorite color"

he asked when we were done getting out our papers and pencils.

"Orange but my second favorite color is Blue."

"Me too!"

After about 30 minutes we both decided that we both had a lot in common and both of our dad's left our mum's when we were younger. Harry is a really nice guy.

And I decided to invite him to my house tonight so that we could work on the essay thingy. I just hope kenzie doesn't find out about this.


I'm sorry I havnt updated in a while it's just that I don't think a lot of people like it.
please vote , comment, follow me maybe? idk just please vote and tell me if you like it! And give me some advice please! :) I hope u like the update I know it's kinda short but I'll try to make it longer next time bye :)

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