Barcodes // [HongIce]

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They are used to evidentially put a label on each item in a store, each with an individual price and identification.

Normally, because most things bought are for wants and needs alike, nobody really bothers seeing them as.. Another thing, if that makes any sense; another soul, figuratively speaking.

What if barcodes were stuck against people's foreheads, like labels?

If they specifically had the levels of each person's specialities and skills, emotions and opinions..

The very thought of it made Leon flinch, returning himself to the real world as his teacher called out his name.

Coffee-brown eyes blinking continuously, the Cantonese male glanced around his surroundings.

After several moments of silence, he finally gathered enough temptation to actually speak, muttering a fragile and confused: "Yes?"


Most of the class laughed at his slow response, and yet some others didn't.

It was only his first week of school here, and yet he had already made a fool of himself.

However, he was simply too cool for that, the Cantonese.

".. And why are you laughing?" Leon murmured coldly, loud enough for them all to hear as he met solid eye contact with most of them.

They stayed silent.

The teacher in question simply asked him to solve a few math problems, which seemed to be a problem for the rest of the students.

With confidence in this subject, the dark-haired male easily answered it right then and there.

Everybody stared at him.

A faint smile appeared upon his face.
Another deed done- and by that, it was really just a regular thing.
Nothing too special about it, or at least not anything important to Leon.
Minutes passed, and the Cantonese teenager began to feel himself get carried away by sleep, once more.
Though he did respect education and all, being disciplined and taught such things in public wasn't his favorite theory of learning; ah, he'd rather stick around his house with Wang Yao, that log in the mud. .

Slamming right open, the door's loud noise cracked through the quiet atmosphere. Leon turned his head around slowly, his eyes slowly flapping open and closing- however, his eyes widened, a bit surprised to see who the class' visitor was.
Behind the wooden door, or rather in the middle of the doorway, stood a silvery-haired teen, his purple-amethyst eyes large.
Papers even began to fall from his clutches, but he ended picking them back up at a clumsy pace.
"What's your name, sir?" The teacher inquired, setting his dry erase marker on the ledge of the board and made himself over to the student.
Leon was quite interested, as well. .
"Uh. . Oh, me?" The new boy asked, his eyebrows raising in question.
Seeing how obvious the answer was, he laughed awkward, settling his books and papers (which was basically just his schedule and things of that nature) on an empty desk- which, also happened to be the seat next to the Asian teenager.
"My name is Emil Steilsson, sir."
The tone he responded in really caught Leon's even more intense attention; it was definitely filled with confidence and utter pleasure to say his name.
It is like he was rather happy to say it- something told Leon that he was the type of kid to actually like being disciplined and educated in places like these. He's probably a teacher's pet, and just by that he can see it in both Emil's eyes and the teacher's eyes.
Turning back to his books, Leon quietly examined the rims of the textbook, only because he refused to pay any more physical attention towards the teacher as he simply figured out a few things out of Mr. Steilsson, over here. .
And then, the seat next to him slid away from the desk, and Emil sat down, scooting back toward the desk as he began to organize his things throughout his binder.
Leon analyzed the teen for a while as he commenced though this procedure, his dark almond eyes pleasurably watching Emil's light and careful fingers slipping through papers.
Though he didn't even belong to his class for long, something throbbed inside Leon's chest- and for that split second, he speedily returned his gaze towards his papers.
In his head, rapid and panicky thoughts sped through his train of thought that all surrounded the idea of even liking Emil. . Heck, this was pathetic, he thought- he despised the thought of even liking someone at first sight!
Thick eyebrows furrowing, the Cantonese teenager hastily turned to Emil once more, his facial expression seemingly resulting in what would look like either boredom or hatred, rather than any positive feeling.
"So. . You're new here, right?"
Insert mental facepalm here.
Emil blinked his round and lightly colored eyes, turning his attention away from his work and towards the odd student next to him.
Leon's heart fluttered a bit, simply seeing Emil's face- it looked like petite and pale European facial features, enough to settle the handsomeness in any boy, really. It was one of the things mainstream girls looked for, anyway, Leon thought.
"Yeah, I am- what's your name?" Emil asked rather politely, eyebrows raised only a few millimeters. . He was rather interested in the topic, it seemed, and he was quite attentive.
"Ah, my- my name? It's Leon. Leon Wang." The Asian's reply came out rough and hesitant, very different from his usual response whose vocabulary was primarily consistent of 'Yo', 'Sup', 'Hey', and things of that nature.
And there was no way in tumblr that he'd even mention his secondarily temporary last name- Kirkland.
That was a topic he didn't even want to tell the person that seemed to catch his attention rather extremely.
"Leon seems to really match you, doesn't it? It reminds me of 'lion'- hinting 'Leo' in it."
The Cantonese student chuckled only slightly, glancing away for a second and then meeting his gaze again.
"Yeah, I guess. Totally cool, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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