Part One

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Within the deepest, darkest depths of the forest, a young boy ran, faster than ever before, to escape the people who had already taken so much of his life. And destroyed it.

Grasped in his shaking hand, was a damaged picture of 2 boys who looked the same as each other. Beneath the photo was the words "we are both Chuck". This was the most important thing that he owned because it reminded him of who he was, where he came from and what he was fighting for.

Chuck stumbled and landed on the dry forest floor. In the distance he heard the loud, abusive taunts coming from the abrasive, deep voices of the OPW (over populated world) soldiers. The sound of their footsteps echoing and increasing in volume hinted to him that they were only getting much closer to finding him and that he had a minute chance of escaping now.

"Come out, come out, I know you're here."

As he scrambled along the floor to get up, he noticed that he had scratched his whole leg and that blood was now seeping out of it. The dried grass and twigs desperately soaked up all the moisture the blood provided like a thirsty dog lapping up water.

It hurt like hell.

He could not get up and he saw the large, oval shaped head of one of the soldiers in the distance poking innocently through the shedding autumn trees.

It reminded him of when he used to play hide and seek with his twin brother in the forest; only this was much scarier.

Petrified, he pulled his body along by his arms trying to get away as the blinding beams of Nikon torches made his eyes burn and he could no longer see through them. While streams of tears danced down his puffy, blotched face, two men in pristine, navy suits hooked their arms around him, and pulled him off the ground.

The pain in his leg was excruciating and he cried out in a gargled scream which lead one of the men to punch him right between his jaw and cheekbone. The crack his cheek made, caused his whole body to cringe and shiver while thick red blood gushed into his screaming mouth; because of this, he knew this was his final chance to escape.

Using his elbow, he attacked one of the soldier's faces, beating it repeatedly before the grip on the rest of his arm was released. Although the other soldier was reaching for his pistol, Chuck was one step ahead and managed to stretch out his arm and grab the pistol from the waist of the man's trousers. The gun was heavy in his hand and he struggled to hold it however he managed to stabilise his hand and he aimed the gun at the soldier's head.

BANG! The bullet went straight into the temple of the soldier's head, exploding it into millions of pieces. Skin, brain and blood coated the ground and the man's lifeless eye closed.

Surprised, and trying not to look scared, the other soldier competed for his colleagues' gun. Spitting swears at Chuck as he did so. But, he underestimated the power and strength Chuck had. He didn't think he had it in him to shoot him.

But he did.

Now Chuck was hurt, alone and surrounded by the dead bodies of the people who tried to kill him, and it reminded him of the scene he saw when those same people murdered his family in cold blood. He didn't feel remorse for the death he saw around him, he only felt anger and at that moment he decided he was going to kill everyone who killed his family and many other families. He had the strength because he was a twin and twins were special.

Chuck's head now felt heavy upon his neck and his mind drifted off into a sleep like state, although he was still awake.

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