Welcome/Goodbye, Gehenna (All Hope Is Gone)

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At first, all I saw was light. Bright, unending, luminous light. My wrists were bound to what I assumed to be a chair that I was squeezed rather uncomfortably in to. For several minutes, I sat and blinked, not able to see anything. But eventually, my vision began to restore. From a meaningless bright blob to blurry shapes, I was able to make out the room I was being held in.

The walls were white, so that explained the bright light. A single line of light bulbs hung above my head. The room was clean and empty, save for the tiny metal chair I was tied to and an interrogation table a few feet in front of me. I guessed that it was thirty paces by thirty paces.

I was in a grey tank top and a pair of jeans. On my feet were white socks. I didn't remember ever wearing those clothes, or where I was.

Suddenly my head began to rush and it dawned on me: I had no idea where I was or how I had even gotten there. I began to panic and shake at the thin ropes that held me in place. I wasn't gagged, so I could speak, but I wasn't sure even if I should. Were the people here going to help, if there even was anyone else with me? Or were they trying to hurt me?

I was shaken up and began to cry.

For what I thought to be three hours, I sat angrily sobbing, not knowing where the hell I was or what was happening to me. So far I hadn't seen another sign of life aside from myself, and I was honestly scared for my life.

I was just beginning to realize how cliche this was: a teenage girl waking in a room by herself, tied to a chair, when the handle on the door across the room began to shake and it opened.

I opened my mouth to shout for help, but the words died in my throat when I got a good look at the person entering.

They were short and wore a black jumpsuit with a number and a barcode over the left breast. What got me was what they were wearing on their head: it was a mask. It was made of mostly black leather, but that was the only thing that was remotely normal about it. Instead of eyeholes, there were two large circles of metal with three slits through them, allowing whoever was behind the mask to see. From the bottom jaw down was a large piece of metal that jutted past the normal length of a human chin. And the mouthpiece was completely open, allowing me to see a mouth full of damaged teeth and sharp metal fillings. The figure spotted me and ran right up to me, their mask inches from my face. They began to scream horribly. I began to scream painfully as well when I realized it was a man.

He began to stomp around the room, shrieking. With a loud bellow that shot spittle in every direction, he ran over to the interrogation table and jumped on top of it, screaming the entire time.

I shook my head and moaned in fear and terror. My entire body began to shake like a scared dog.


The screaming man jumped off the table, kicked it over with a loud crash, and ran around the room, shrieking like a banshee.

I was shaking uncontrollably.

He ran past me, waving his arms like a madman and gnashing his deformed and metallic teeth. He made his way around the room once more before running into the corner closest to me, where he stopped and stood with his back to me, mumbling quietly to himself.

What the hell is he doing...?

I shook my arms a little, tugging at the ropes.

The man turned around and shrieked at me.

I jumped and felt my lips begin to tremble. Warm tears of terror streamed down my face.

The masked man bared his pointed and disfigured teeth, and, to my horror, stuck his right hand into his mouth and bit down on his fingers.

Welcome/Goodbye, Gehenna (All Hope Is Gone) Where stories live. Discover now