finn come on just get out

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When Finn approaches him awkwardly in the kitchen of the Hummel-Hudson house to ask him if he's really gay, Blaine thinks he's joking at first. He laughs loudly and pushes at Finn's shoulder, leaning back against the refrigerator, until he realises that Finn isn't laughing along with him. He straightens up and strokes any creases out of his cardigan and clears his throat.

"Dude, I'm being serious," Finn tells him earnestly, his broad shoulders hunched around his ears uncomfortably. "How can you be gay when you like football and sports and... stuff?" He shuffles his feet, unable to meet Blaine's eyes.

"So, I'm going to ignore how horribly stereotypical that sentence was," Blaine articulates, pursing his lips to try and maintain his serious face because Finn looks like he thinks this is a serious matter. "I am gay, Finn, okay? I'm sure you heard about the whole debacle with Rachel a few weeks ago – sorry about that, by the way." Finn doesn't seem to appreciate Blaine's attempt at humour, so he clears his throat again, feeling a little claustrophobic backed up against the refrigerator with Finn towering inches over him.

Finn blinks. "But—Kurt. Kurt really likes you, you know," he says as if Blaine doesn't know.

"I know he does," Blaine replies. His lips quirk up at the corners as he adds, "And I rather like him, too."

"But doesn't that freak you out?" Finn asks curiously as he remembers when Kurt had been crushing on him a few months ago, because that had freaked him out. "He's, like, a lot gayer than you and—"

"Yeah, okay, that I can't ignore," Blaine interrupts. "There aren't levels of gayness, Finn, alright?" he says smoothly. He doesn't want to sound like he's undermining Finn (even though he kind of is), and while he isn't homophobic, it is clear Finn doesn't really know what he's talking about. "Sure, Kurt is a little more..." He searches for the correct word, "...flamboyant than I am," he finally decides on. "But that doesn't mean I'm any less gay."

Finn takes a moment to absorb Blaine's words. "So, are you two, like, together or something?" he eventually asks. "Is that why you're always over here these days?"

Blaine wonders how long it took him to work that one out. "Yes, Finn," he says definitively, hoping to leave no room for Finn to question their relationship. He's starting to feel a little awkward now, and he hopes that he has settled Finn's worries about his sexual orientation enough for him to move aside to let him pass; Kurt is waiting for him upstairs because he only came down for a glass of water, and he'll no doubt want to know what took him so long when he returns.

"Right." Finn makes a thoughtful face as he mulls over this new piece of information. "Right. For how long?"

Blaine counts the months out on his fingers. "Nearly five months. Since March."

Finn's eyebrows disappear into his hairline. "Really? Man. So, um. Does this mean you guys are... you know, having s—"

"And that's where I draw the line," Blaine says loudly, laughing a little as he holds his hands up in front of his face. "Finn, all you need to know is that Kurt and I are in a very happy relationship, alright? And that means I am very much gay, even though I like football and sports and stuff. Got it?"

"I guess," Finn says quickly, and Blaine lets out a slightly frustrated sigh when Finn turns on his heel and hurries away into the living room. Pushing off from the refrigerator, Blaine finally gets his glass of water and sets off up the stairs to Kurt's room. He spots his boyfriend sat on his bed, television remote in his hand, and his vision snaps over to land on Blaine when he enters the room.

"I thought you'd fallen down the sink," Kurt says lightly, patting the empty space beside him, beckoning for Blaine to hop up onto it. "I was about to call a plumber. Everything okay?" He settles in against Blaine's chest and presses a kiss there as Blaine wraps an arm around Kurt's shoulders to pull him close. He's warm and smells like cinnamon from the buns they baked earlier.

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