Unsustainable Love (Coming Soon)

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      you ever been in a situation when your tempted to do things that are against the rules? Stupid question right. Of course everyone is tempted to do things that are against the rules, but I, Valentina Elsa Jacobs am not one of those people. So then why am I walking at night by myself?

   Well I decided to rebel against my parents rule, of being at home at 7pm. It's not everyday that you turn seventeen and your friends through you a spectacular party. Since my parents weren't going to be home anyway.

   Due to the fact that my mother, Veronica Jacobs, is a successful lawyer, who is probably stuck at her office working on her cases. My father, Will Jacobs, is away again on one of his investegation. Sometimes I wish that he wasn't away too much but his job as an FBI agent causes him to. They rather be away then be at their suburban house, celebrating their only child's birthday.

   People would think that I was use to their absence in my life, but it still hurts when they don't pay any attention to me. I have a point it's not like they have other children hidden somewhere. Wait do they? No I don't think so.

   Anyways I have always been the golden child as my family likes to call me. I'm in almost every club at school, I play volleyball, basketball, soccer, am captin of the varsity dance team, on the track team, won high achievement awards, have straight A's in all my classes, and am the most popular girl in school. I've done everything possible to get their attention. Though all I ever get is a "Keep up what your doing" or "Good job make sure to always be on top". Then they tell me to leave them alone so they can focus on what ever their doing.

   I always feel invisible when they are home, which is rarely. I can't even believe I once broke my arm for their attention. I was never meant to exist and that's a fact. My parents were recently married and starting their careers when I came along to ruin their lives, as my kind nannies always told me when I was a child.

   I sigh as I shiver from the cold. It probably wasn't the best idea to wear a high waisted skirt and a crop tank top, but how was I to know  that my car...technically my nanny's car would break down. I look down at my watch and check the time. Nine forty-five pm, I'm so dead if one of my servants rat me out.

   "Bloody hell, stupid Valentina you just had to go to the party didn't you?" I say to myself. Good thing there's no one around or else they would think something was wrong with me.

   I continue to walk down the empty sidewalk, mumbling to myself about how much of a stupid head I am. Click, click, click, click. The sound of my high heel ankle boots are the only thing I hear. How funny is it that on the day I am stranded in a unfamiliar neighborhood my phone dies. Hilarious isn't it?

   I stop walking and run a hand through my ginger hair as I try to figure out which street to turn to. Rockland St? Or Victor St? I bite my lip as I turn on to Rockland St. Why couldn't I continue to be the goody too shoes and stay at home like I was suppose to?

   The street lights flicker as I walk near a park and then the dead silence is interrupted when a black van drives past me. I walk shivering and then stop as I see the black van stop suddenly. I shake my head thinking I'm being paranoid. They could just be dropping someone off Valentina. The van's door slides open and a girl walks out, wearing all black clothing. Nothing weird about that.

   I will myself to continue walking. I smile as I remember Riley's party for me. I could have asked for permission to go to the party like a normal person would. Though the thing was my parents saw life as a social pyramid. Are family is part of the high social class therefore I'm only allowed to associate with the people in that section. Riley has been my best friend since I was nine, but our friendship is forbidden since her family are not part of the social class I'm in.

   If my parents found out I was friends with her they'd have a meltdown. It would be the beginning of an apocalypse for them. I on the other hand don't really care about the social pyramid my family goes by. As I'm a few steps away from the black van, the girl turns around.

   Okay I've seen "The Purge" way to many times, and the people wearing those masks have always freaked me out, so you can imagine how I look as I see the girl wearing a familiar mask.

   I back away slowly and prepare to run like there's no tomorrow. The masked girl walks towards me and that's my signal to start running. "Help!" I scream as I run. Though whose going to hear me? I turn back to see the masked girl confidently walking in my direction. As I start to slow down completely confused,  she starts to run in full speed towards me. I quickly take of my heels and grab them while running in to the park. I can outrun her, after all I am on the track team and am on of their best runners.

   At least that's what I thought. Suddenly I'm being tackled to the ground. My left knees and elbows scrape the cement floor as I fall hard to the ground. I groan as I feel the burning pain in my check.

   The person who tackled me gets off of me only to press his/her knee to my back and to hold my left hand against my back. I yelp in pain, only to have the person laugh. "Sorry princess am I hurting you?" the person who appears to be a female, asks in mock sympathy.

   I glare at the ground and locate my heel. I grab it and swing it at her face. "You b*tch!" she hisses while covering her face. I take this opportunity and push her off of me. I quickly pin her to the ground. "I may be a female, but I'm not a dog." I say to her.

   I get off of her and dust my skirt. As I'm about to run a pair of hands grab me.....


Okay so I'm a lazy person when it comes to writing. I know that I've said that Shattered Life is my main priority right now, but is it my fault that my brain creates story ideas? Anyway this story idea was created before SL even was created. I just thought I might share this story idea with whoever is reading this. Tell me if you like it or not in the comments. Also I have plenty of other story ideas that are written down in my handy dandy notebook, tell me if you'll like me to upload them on Wattpad. Should I upload them one by one? Or all together?  Then again I won't start working on them until AFTER I complete SL.

What you just read my fellow readers is a SNEAK PREVIEW of the story. It's a work in progress. Thank you for your time readers. Jellybean(my nickname) out✌

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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