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No One Point Of View

Two boys. One on a hospital bed the other sitting next to him holding his hand with tears streaming down his face cause it was clear his friend was dying and it was only a matter of time before he would be gone but the two boys still smiled and joked around even if the other was a crying mess. 

"H-hey remember when I said I wanted to watch the stars with you" The boy said to his friend who was sitting by his side

"Yeah and I said I didn't mind cause I loved the stars and having you by my side" The other boy said smiling at his friend. 

"And we were supposed to go right before I got sick"

"Yeah but when you get out of here we can" The other boy said griping his friend's hand little tighter as the heart monitor started to slow down

"Yeah but just in case we don't get to I want to tell you something" He said tears swelling in his eyes 

"Don't say things like that damn it. Your gonna  get better then we can watch all the stars you want. It can be me and you together forever like we planed. Two bros against the world" The other said wiping away the others tears then his own.

"Just listen please I want to tell this. Please just let me" The boy begged and the beeps are getting slower now and they both knew what that meant. They weren't gonna get to watch the stars.

"G-go ahead tell me" The boy said

"I w-wanted....I wanted to tell you that I....I left you something under m-my bed even wrote a letter." The boy said and lifted up there hands and kissed the other's.

"What does it say?" 

"It says all the things I never did" He said starting to close his eyes

"Please don't close your eyes and leave me. I can't do this without you. Your my best friend. Your... your the boy....." He stopped as he realized the monitor stopped and he let go of his hand. Tears streamed down his face. 

"You didn't let me finish. you never do" He said crying and got up. 

"I should go now. I shouldn't stand here and cry. You never liked it when I cried said it made you sad. Well I can't help it. KEITH YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO LEAVE ME ALL ALONE, YOU PROMISED TO NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE. COME BACK AND TELL ME IT WAS SOME STUPID JOKE. HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS YOU LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO, CALL ME AN IDIOT. JUST COME Back.. please it hurts so much" He cried falling to his knees. The doctors walked in with Keith's parents. His mother starts to cry and his father looks away  and tears fall from his eyes.

"Ms and Mr. Smith may I go to your house and be in his room for a bit. Please" He asked looking up 

"Of course Alex you can stay there for as long as you want" Mr. Smith said and Alex nodded and walked away and to there house. He opened the door and walked up to Keith's room. He sat on his bed and looked around. He then took a deep breath and smelt Keith. He then wiped his tears and reached under the bed and pulled out a small box. He opened the box and smiled. It was filled with things of their adventures. A bunch of pictures most of them he didn't know who took them but he loved them. 

(Alex is Naruto and Keith is Sasuke. Sasuke and Naruto have a awesome friendship that's why I used pics of them. I do not own any of these pics)

 I do not own any of these pics)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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