R:whats up
G:my fist!! Up in your face
F:bro..that's so unrad
Edge: pretty harsh
C:put your fist over here by Dream I'll kill you the rest of the way!!!
R:touch him and say goodbye to your Dreamie
B: OK OK before anyone gets hurt let's just ask or dare us (nothing inappropriate pls)
E:HoW D-Did I gET HerE?!?
I:magik *jazz hands*
R-----> Reaper
C-----> cross
I-----> ink
E-----> Erorr
H-----> Horror
F-----> Fresh
B-----> Blue
G-----> Geno
Sci-----> Science
Edge-----> Fell
Ask and dare the sanes
Randomavailable reaper geno pj fresh blue fell classic ink error horror dream cross science