I don't understand the term "no homo". The other day a girl at my school said "you have a nice figure, no homo though."
Like thanks...? You don't need to say no homo after each compliment. And also, you ever hear guys joking around like "mmm daddy" but then they say nO hoMO mAn. It's obviously you being homo. You're either LGBT or straight, there's no "I'll suck your peewee, but I'mma wear socks so it's not gay my guy", like wut ._.
I can see if someone says "you look cute today" and the person takes it the wrong way, but if they see the compliment as a normal human being would see it, there's no need to say no homo. Unless... You want it to be homo. Hah.
Person 1: "Hey you're cute today"
Person 2: "Ha no I'm not, but thanks"
Person 1: "You're welcome, and yes."
Person 2: "Wuh?"
Person 1: "Yes homo"
I feel like that makes more sense than saying no homo to a harmless compliment but eh. D o w h a t y o u g o t t a d o. \_(.-.)_/