This Love, This Hate Chapter 1

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((Zoe's POV))


Zoe walked up the steps of Harrison East High, my new school, and the first thing she did was search for the nearest restroom. I'm not just going to stand there like a loser with no one to talk to, why not hide in the bathroom like an even bigger loser?" she mumbled to herself as she walked into the empty girls room and examined herself in the mirror, Light blonde hair, layered, with the bottom layer black and the top blonde layer teased for volume, blue jean blue eyes, and smooth skin without a trace of makeup. She had a boyish face and didnt wear any jewlery. She was extremly skinny and her skinny jeans made her look even skinnier. She also had a off-white zip-up hoodie with the word "HOLLISTER" across it in red letters. She also wore red coverse and had her wallet on a chain and kept it in her back pocket. "Not to shabby." she said in her boyish, slightly raspy voice while she did a small pose in front of the mirror. she heard the sound of laughter and looked at the door that started to open before quickly ducking into a stall and locking it with shaky hands. She sat on toilet without bulling down her pants. The girls stopped by the mirrors and Zoe looked through the crack of the stall door and saw them primping themselves and applying lipgloss.

"Did you guys watch that Degrassi last night?" a tall blonde girl giggled.

"Oh no what happend?" a read head inquired.

The blonde girl laughed and whispered,"Paige likes a girl!"

"EW!" the red-head giggled.

The girls bust into a fit of giggles and started leaving the bathroom, but as Zoe emerged from the stall she heard the blonde girl say, "That is so nasty i can't stand gay people! theyre so gross.."

And then they were gone.

"But I'm "Gay""... Zoe mumbled as she walked over to the mirror and looked herslef in the eyes."And i'm not gross.....Right?"

With that, Zoe thought to herself how stupid she was for thinking this school would be more tolerant than the last. She walked out of the bathroom and made her way to the drink machines and bought a 7UP. The bell rang and Zoe quickly collected her soda and change and started hastily walking towards the gym since her first period class was PE. After 7 minutes of searching, she was sure she was lost. Then her 7UP slipped out of her fingers, and the cap flew off causing the soda to soak her and someone else in the hall but Zoe didn't look who it was.

"WHAT THE HELL?" a female voice squealed.

"I'm so sorry-" Zoe started as she looked up.

And then she saw her....

And The

This Love, This Hate ((girl<3girl))Where stories live. Discover now