Hell house

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Im your normal every day teenager. My name is Stacy hills  and i have just turned fourteen im not a straght "A" student but hey. I have two older siblings Tracy she's seventeen  and Mitchell  he'sfifteen and my mum Glenda and well my dad i don't really remember or know him as he passed away when i was at the age of three.  A couple of weeks ago my mum my older sister Tracey and my brother Mitchel went to go and view a house.  the house for me was like i was in a dream there was a lake and amazing views thereere pretty much no questions asked. Mum decided that we were going to buy the house. It wasint in the city but still close had a great view  the sun set and sun rise was amazing to watch. What else could you possibaly want ?

Its been three months since we moved in we have slowly been noticing that things have been getting moved around. In the day time everything is fine but when darkness strikes its like a hole new dimention exept really paranormal. one night i heard strange noises across the hallway sitting room  not like wind blowing or branches tapping on the window. But almost like something dragging a blanket or a cloth on the ground i was a little spooked out but i just curled up in a ball put the covers over my head and slowly went to sleep.The next day i got up around 9am all i heard from a distance was a loud screem it was tracy i put my robe on a ran to the sitting room to see what was wrong she was on the floor in complete shock there was a blanket with blood   the blanket had been dragged around the living room more than a few times we were all in shock.

That same day mum went to the  carpet store  and got the whole lounge re-carpeted but after an hour the blood was slowly beginning to come back mum  called them to see if the carpet people had done there job correctly and the showed her autographs of there work mum couldint understand what was going on well lets just say we all diddint.

Its been getting whorse every couple of nights you can here little kids playing and laughing in certin parts of the house . like three nights ago i left my dooropen  a little bit open and the first thing i instantly saw was a big dark shadow like figgure standing close enough to come through the light of my lamp. the first thing i do is turn my lamp off and lay still it seemed to get closer so i got up opend my door.The moon light was barly blearing through the windowattheendofthepassageway  but the light was still there the shadowy figgure faded in to the wall that night until i fell asleep it was the scaryist.

the next morning me mitchel and tracy got up for the first day of our new school "yeah like being the new kid is fun " I thought to my self . we all waited for the bus  tracy well shes a type of person who you just have to like.then  theres mitchel lets just say mitchel is well him the thing i like about him is that once his mind is set on something it wont change FOR ANY ONE not even for his best friend scott and that well you cant beet scott and then theres  me well yea i socialise but im just to use to feeling alone with heeps of people surrounding me im good at makeing friends yes but i prefur not to i do have friends but  dont see them as often as before

i get on the bus my first class was math and well i dont really like maths and then english and well i think you get the point

Its monday night my sister got out of the shower  and found that all  her clothes were in knots and there were heavy scractishes on the wall below the first person she turned to was mitchel but why would he do something so childish it just wasint like him to do that it obviously wasint him but who could it have been.

last friday i went to town with a few of my old friends and got these really cool key chains for my backpack i got quite alot. Then last night i herd my key chains being moved around like dangaling in the air almost like an outside dream catcher i was on my laptop doing homework and i herd it again i thought it was the wind but then it was   because threre were no eindoes open and my door was shut then it juststarted  getting freaky and when i say freaky im mean like seing dead people, getting yelled at by little kids,seing people in mirros , getting called by squeeky voices,and  hearing crackly voices through phone calls. I went up into the attic last night just to see what was up there all therewere . was boxs of old junk i looked to the right side of the cold ,dark place there was a twelved steped  metal ladder i was so tempted to climb up. So i did  i just got up the the nineth step and in the corner was a little boy he was dressed in black from head to toe with a fired bright red face i just stood there compleately in fear he was just standing by an old sopher he saw me i ducked my head down by the time i put my head back up he pushed me i fell down and landed flat on my back. I got up and ran down stairs to tell mum she said that there has been some pretty creepy stuff going on. mum debaited on it a said to everyone on staurday night that we were moving because of the stuff that was happening so once again we moved we still sayed in the same school but diffirent house and neighborhood we moved twenty minuits away from the old house it wasint as dreamy as the old one but if it got us away from what ever was happening sure why not !!

Day two of moving into our new house we are still unpacking all of our stuff but we'llget  there some day i thought to my self . I came across a box of old book's so i started putting them on my book shelf that was balanced against the blank white wall. i look around my new room i feel a slight breaze through the side of my face.  i close my eyes and imagine the trees out side my window  swaying and dancing to the houle of the wind. i finnish unpacking the first tw boxes of things mostly just pitcures,frames ,posters,paintings,drawings and things that i put on my draws i go out side for a look around i can see a tree in the distanceof the shadows of the trees i climb up and theres a hut in side of it i sit in it for a bit.                   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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