Day 1

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Hello there! I'm Christina, the writer of this e-book. I am a 17 year-old student, Christian. First of all, it'll be good if I introduce myself a little. My family is borned and raised in a Buddhist family, hence when I was born, I'm born a Buddhist. You're wondering, why am I a Christian right? Well, don't be surprised but I'm the only Christian in my family, while my siblings, parents, grandparents are all Buddhist.

I got to know the Lord last year, July. I was born again on the 22nd od July. It was a tough decision for me to decide whether to follow the Lord. I have to take advices from different people, whether to stay as a Buddhist or a Christian. I didn't hesistate upon whatever things people said about Buddhism and Christianity.

It was that one day my Pastor of my Church baptised me with the Holy Spirit. I was recharged. I felt the presence of God in that very same room when I was undergoing the Baptism of the Holy spirit.

I guess that's what I will be sharing about myself!

This 30 days guide aims at people, mostly Christians, to strenghthen themself in the Lord. Relationship with the Lord, specifically.

Day 1:

Prayer Requests and Prayers

You know for us Christians, when we encounter any difficult circumstances or situation, the first thing we do is to pray to the Lord. Saying :"Lord help me, help me to overcome this situation. Help me to make the situation better." We would always turn unto God. Because He answers our Prayers.

Colossians 4:2
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigila nt in it with thanksgiving.

We must continue to pray to the Lord for whatever things we encounter, bad or. Good. We must give thanks to the Lord, because He created the universe, Heavens and everything we see on earth.

Psalms 6:9
The Lord has heard my supplication, The Lord will receive my prayer.

The Lord will answer your prayer, if you pray with a pure and forgiving heart. He listens to you, and as you said your prayer, He will be able to receive it and bless you for what you pray.

Memory verse:

Psalms 88:2
Let me prayer come before You, Incline Your ear to my cry

Now you see, the Lord listens, hears, answers, and speak to you in every ways He want it to be. Remember, your prayer requests will always be answered if you have a forgiving heart. If you don't, take this prayer:

Lord, I pray that you would forgive that person whomth I have hate towards to. Let me forgive him and bless Him with Your word. In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer is the way to the Lord, it brings you closer, Amen?

My prayer for today's Day 1 guide:

Lord, I know you're a Holy God. You're the I Am, the Alpha, and the Omega. We all know you're the true Almighty God, who created the Heavens and the earth. You created and formed us, male and females. You created animals, omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. I pray that from today's guide, the Lord, You, will help them to know You more, guide them, and teach them whatever they don't understand Lord, especially those new believers. You will strengthen Yourself in them, let them build a very strong confidence and foundation in You, they shall love You and forever praise and worship You with a forgiving heart. I pray all these in Jesus name, Amen.

I've come to the end of the first day of the guide. Truly pray to God when you need it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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