A Pair

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[ WARNING: this story includes male/male relations, marriage , minor of sexual scenes and male pregnancy. If you are not comfortable with any of these topics don't read further or even try to read it. Please don't send hate toward me and the characters either and ruin it for anybody else.]

Happy Reading^^

His mouth felt dry and he swallowed thickly in an effort to regain some moisture. Sweat slicked hair was plastered to his forehead and blearily he opened his eyes to a room that was far too white, much too loud, and very much not his own.

"...Where?" He croaked softly, he could feel Tay's presence as though it was a tangible thing, and he knew the fingers that brushed his hair away from his eyes were those of his alpha. Though now there were new presences, new presences that needed him. His babies, his little boy and girl. He tried to sit up and he saw a figure cradling his crying children and walking away.


No, his babies. He tried harder to sit up, his body trembling with the effort. Where was that woman going? Those were his children, crying for him.

"Ssshhh, New, sshh," Tay coaxed, and placed his cool hand on New' shoulder, gently pushing him back into the bed. Panic and frustration clawed at New. His babies, his children, that woman was taking them and Tay wasn't doing anything! New felt hot tears welling up and he looked at Tay. How could his alpha be standing there while someone took their children? That wasn't the Tay he knew.

"Tay," he pleaded, struggling to sit up again, his eyes flicking between his mate and the woman holding his twins, she was dressed in scrubs and wearing a mask, and.. oh. Comprehension sank in and New fell back into the bed with a heavy thud and while feeling very much a fool. He started to laugh, and sob all at once as Tay kissed his forehead. They were at the hospital. She worked here. The orderly quickly made her way back to the bed and placed the twins,now bundled in purple blankets into New' more than welcoming arms.

Oh, it was the most intensely wonderful feeling in the world and he couldn't help but smile down at them. These tiny people that he had birthed, back in his arms where they belonged. He slowly rocked them and their soft crying stopped while his continued.

"They're beautiful, New," Tay assured him, leaning down and wiggling his finger in each of their faces. Tay kissed his forehead, and then one on each of the twins' and then New a second time.

"They look like you," New murmured, voice thick. He couldn't tear his gaze away, and he doubted his alpha could either. So small, so fragile with only wisps of hair on their heads, the most beautiful things he'd ever seen.

"And you," Tay said.

"I love you," He cooed to both of them. He swallowed back a well of emotion as they wiggled in his arms before yawning, their son first followed by their daughter. "I'm glad you're here now."

"Do you have names?" the same orderly asked.

"Hmm.,how about.."

"Mild and Frank.

Thanks For Reading^^

Note : Super Freaking Short. Why? Don't Bother to ask me cause idk myself k..555 anddd why Mild? Hmmmm?!!!.. simple, i actually adore her..,she's one of my bias..just check out her instagram @wjmild and follow if u haven't naa...

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