Chapter 1

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Hey guys ^^

Here I am again with a new story for you guys! :)

I am very sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or wrong sentences. English is not my first language.

I also apologize if there is any occ-ness.

( I do NOT own Attack On Titan or any of its characters! )

Authors Note: For this story, I have changed Sasha and Levi their ages a bit. Sasha is around 18/19 and Levi is around 22/23. You can choose whichever of the two you prefer :)

Now with all that out of the way we can start with the story~

Rated: T for now


Sasha was sitting on her horse, silently waiting with the other scouts in front of the gate for another expedition beyond the walls. Erwin was giving another one of his speeches like he usually would do before every start of an expedition. Sasha couldn't help but sigh out of boredom. She had heard it so many times she could repeat it in her sleep. She then glanced to her side to were Conny was sitting, and from the look on his face, she could clearly see that he felt the same as her.

She turned to look in front of her once again and noticed that the gate was now slowly opening. She couldn't help but sigh of relief. Finally! it was about frickin' time!. She clutched her horse's reins tightly, waiting to advance. Once the gate was fully open she heard Erwin scream "Advance!" at the top of his lungs before taking off towards the unknown. Soon the other scouts followed, including her. Trough the gate and into the unknown.

The ride went well and they managed to reach the forest of giant trees safely. So far they had no Titan encounters, That was a first. This mission was going to be the easiest one yet. Sasha couldn't help but smirk a little at this. If it kept going like this they would be back into the walls in no time and she could return to finish eating that meat she had stolen- But her thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream and loud stomping nearing them quickly. "Titans incoming!, It's an ambush!" someone yelled, But before Sasha could react something heavy came into contact with her and soon after everything went black.


There was darkness all around her, she couldn't see anything. Why was everything feeling heavy?. She tried to move but she couldn't. Where was she? What happened to her?. She was distracted, trying to figure out where she was and what happened until she heard something faint in the distance.

She wanted to speak and ask if someone was there but she couldn't. Then she heard it again but this time it sounded closer, more clear. "Oi brat, wake up". That voice sounded very familiar...She knew she heard it before. Then she heard it again even louder "Oi brat! Wake up!".

Then it hit her, it was captain Levi's voice, wasn't it?. But why would he be in my room trying to wake me up? weren't we on a mission beyond the walls?. And then it hit her. The Titan ambush, and something colliding with her, making her black out.

Sasha suddenly shot up, gasping for air, her eyes as round as plates. Levi sat in front of her, examining her carefully, he didn't seem badly injured besides from a few small scratches here and there.

Once she calmed down she felt something wet on her temple, she reached up to touch it and instantly flinched, pulling her hand back. That must have been where the heavy object collided with her. it hurts.

Then she turned to face captain Levi, giving him a questioning look "C..Captain...what happened?". He didn't say anything but took a small handkerchief from his pocket and gently pressed it against her wound, stopping the bleeding. "First things first. I'll take care off your injury and then we talk. Understood?". She nodded while trying her best not to blush. The captain had never been this nice and close to her before...something big must have happened while she was blacked out.

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