Flitwicks Family

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before you read the story I'll just introduce all the character's first (I will include the visual in the story)

Majora Ursa Flitwick- the oldest of the Flitwick children, she is in her third year at Hogwarts and is a very social person (she can't shut her mouth) she is skilled in charms, potions and magical history. she never really liked magical creatures and they never liked her in return.

Minora Barnabus Flitwick- the sorta kinda middle child in the Flitwick family (I say sorta kinda because his identical twin sister Ursa was born exactly 14 minutes and 6 seconds after him. Minora is in no means shy but he is always talking too quiet and fast for anyone but Ibby to understand. Minora is skilled in charms, DDA, and magical creatures. he is adequate in potions but is always setting something on fire (usually on purpose)

Ursa Minora Flitwick- everyone just calls her ibby (no one really remembers why). she loves being outside and magical creatures just seem to be attracted to her.

obviously the character descriptions are not done yet so just be patient please and thank you, love you :*

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