Sandwich Shop Miracle

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Chapter 1: Dark Roads & God’s Light

“Oh Jack, I wish you were here,” Loretta whispered as she looked at the picture of her and her husband Jack above the cash register.

She smiled, remembering when the two of them cut the bright red ribbon for the grand opening of their sandwich shop, J&L’s Sub Shack. Those were happier times in their life.  They were so proud to finally own their own business. It was something they both wanted since they got married thirty-five years ago. But she knew those times were long gone.

Loretta walked to the long silver refrigerated display counter next to the cash register to verify her inventory of food. She checked to make sure there was enough deli meat, vegetables, cheese, deli salad and condiments.  At the other end of the display counter, she checked the small bakery bread oven and refrigerator positioned against the pale yellow wall to make sure she had enough bread and cold drinks as well.

Loretta let out an audible sigh, walking back towards the cash register. That’s when she saw her friend Carol approaching the doors of the sandwich shop.

“Hey Ms. Loretta,” Carol greeted as she opened the door, entering the shop.

“Hi Carol,” Loretta said. “What can I get you?”

“I just wanted to stop by and talk to you for a spell,” Carol answered. She walked to one of the tables and pulled out a chair, sitting down.  Carol crossed her legs, showing off her shiny black pumps. The smells of fancy perfume and cotton candy emanated from her.  Carol sat her brown and tan handbag and keys on the table, commenting, “We’ve been missing you lately at the women’s meeting at church. Everyone’s worried about you sweetie.”

Loretta joined Carol at the table, fixing the vinyl red checkerboard table cloth.  “I like that sundress Carol. The flowers are very pretty,” Loretta complimented, wiping off her green apron and blue jeans before placing her hands on the table.

“Why thank you Loretta. I got it on sale for 50 percent off. But I’m sure you know I didn’t come by to show off my dress. I came by to check on you. Like I said, we’re all worried about you.”

“I’ll be fine,” Loretta asserted. “It’s just been so hard to readjust since Jack’s been gone. I miss him so much. Things just don’t work the same without him.”

Carol extended her hand to touch Loretta’s and clasped it for a few moments before releasing it.

“I can only imagine how I would feel losing my husband Michael, especially to something so senseless such as a drunk driver. But isolating yourself is the worst thing you can do right now. You haven’t been coming to service like you used to and when we do see you around, you haven’t been looking the same. There’s no light in your eyes. How’s your blood pressure been? Have you been taking your medicine? “

“With all of the cost of Jack’s funeral and hospital bills, I haven’t been able to take them like I need to. I’m just so behind on bills. I am barely able to keep this place going.”

“Then why don’t you let us help you? Michael and I were just talking about putting together a fundraiser for you at the church. I’m sure you could use the money.”

“I know, but-“

“But nothing,” Carol interrupted. “You cannot do everything in this world alone.  I know it’s hard Loretta, but please don’t let the devil turn your heart. The Lord will provide for you if you let him lead the way. He is always there in your time of need.”

“I know your right. But why Jack? Why?” Loretta implored in a desperate tone. “Jack did not do wrong by anybody. I need him. His son needs him. It was just too soon for him to go.”

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