Shattered Duncan Shepherd x Reader

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I was looking through Duncan's messages and emails as well as call lists, I was invading his privacy, something which I had never thought I would be doing, but something felt off. Something inside me was telling me to look, that there was something I needed to see.

Glancing up Duncan was sprawled over the bed fast asleep, the sound of him softly snoring, the image made my heart warm but something else in my heart froze over. Concentrating back on the phone I went through his emails. Most were from work, a few from Richard, the man who works for Duncan I had first met him via his mother and uncle Bill. I scanned countless emails then I spotted one with the tittle 'Last night'. It was sent the first night after Duncan went away on a business trip. My eyes flickered to Duncan then to the phone again, I clicked on it.


It was great seeing you again, after all this time. I cant wait to meet again.

You know how to rock someone's world that's for sure.

My breath caught and I stared at the screen in disbelief, I felt my stomach flip but took in a few deep breaths to stop myself from being sick. but I read on. Needing to read on.

Thank you for an amazing night. We will have to do it again, sometime soon.

You have to make a decision about what you want and what you are going to do about the problems at home. I will always want you Duncan, but I hope I don't have to wait too long as I won't wait forever Duncan. You need to make a choice and soon.

Thank you again for last night.

Always your Nathalie

This time my stomach did flip and I jumped out the chair and ran to the bathroom, locking it behind me in the process, making it just in time I threw up into the toilet, my body shaking with every heave and tears streamed down my face. He was cheating on me, the evidence is right here, still in my hand. Finally I finished being sick and used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth, very lady like I know. Before I could talk myself out of it I forwarded all of the emails from 'N' to my phone. It was somewhere in the apartment on silent and password protected

As I took deep breaths my sadness started to be replaced with anger, breaking through my tears and nausea, it hit me like a brick wall. This time my body began to shake and I stood up using the wall for support. Something inside me snapped and I grabbed the nearest thing to me I threw it, it hit the mirror and both of them smashed.

It felt good to throw things and let my anger out and something was telling me to continue, my subconscious was there ready for anything bouncing from side to side on the balls of her feet with a pair of boxing gloves on looking at me with approval, she mouthed screw the consequences and I grabbed something else, letting my rage take over me fully.

Grabbing my hair dryer, I threw it to the glass shower door. I heard it smash but I didn't check to see as I broke other things. I kept going until every part of my anger was gone and my legs turned to jelly underneath me and I sank to the floor. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them. how could he! How could he do this to me? To us? To our marriage. It was plain and simple right here in black and white. Putting my head on my knees I began to rock back and forth as silent tears of pain and heart ache ran down my face.

That was when I heard a lot of movement outside, the door handle began to rattle furiously and I heard Duncan's voice shout through it. "Open this fucking door now! Y/N!" his voice was loud and you could hear the anger and also concern in his voice. Other people's voices came through the door then.

"What's going on Duncan?" It was his uncle Bill's voice, there was another reply but I didn't make it out, by Duncan banging on the door, "where is she? Is she hurt?" this time Bill's voice was full of so much worry and concern that it made a new wave of tears break through. "Duncan. Move!"

Normally Bill talked to Duncan with so much respect but with only those two words there was none in that, obviously he was worried about me and had only one object, which was to get to me. Duncan must have done what he said because the next second I knew, the door was being kicked. I looked up on the second kick wide eyed, that's when it flew open.

I heard a sharp intake of breath and then someone cursing under their breath, Bill was the closest to the door, so it was him who had kicked it in, Mark was there his back towards me holding Duncan back, he was now turned half way and looking at me, anger flared across his face. Duncan had his eyes glued on where only a few seconds the door had been, Mrs Shepherd had her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

Duncan tried to throw Mark to the side but Mark pushed him back, I have never seen anger on Mark's face. Bill came walking in slowly, one hand behind him obviously telling the rest to stay out. My eyes locked with his still wide and frozen, like a rabbit in the headlights, he reached me then knelt down in front of me.

There was noise in the background, Duncan shouting as well as Mark, but I focused on Bill, he slowly held his hands out to me, the look on his face told me that he wasn't going to hurt me and that I could trust him. "It's okay Darling I'm not going to hurt you." So even slower than he had held his hands out I placed mine in his, I heard him let out a sigh of relief giving me a small smile and then he slowly helped me up.

My legs were still like jelly and I stumbled, concern plain as day shot across his face and he quickly came to my aid, bending down he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, holding to him like a life raft and buried my head into his shoulder as I began to cry. "Let's get you out of here." Slowly he began to walk while whispering that it was going to be okay, that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Then he kissed the top of my head in reassurance and whispered that he promised.

As he made his way out of the bathroom I looked at it over his shoulder. Both of the mirrors were smashed into thousands of pieces; bits of broken fragments lay on the counter and the floor. The glass shower door was broke; there was a dent in the wall. Broken bottles of shampoo, hand wash, and conditioner lay around. The glass cups and holders were on the floor, the towel rack was pulled off the wall and lay on the opposite side, as well as the towels and robes scattered around the room, it was as though a bomb had gone off, and I had made it all.

Duncan came running up Mark tried pulling him back but it was no use. "How could you Duncan!" Y/N spat, more hurt than angry now.

"I can explain. It's not what you think" that made me let out a small laugh of disbelief, wow he was really trying to pulling that off. "Y/N I am being serious."

"Really Duncan that's the best you can come up with? I saw the emails it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Just tell me why? What did I do wrong that made you feel the need to go and fuck another woman?" I wrapped my arms around my belly protectively.

"No Y/N" he took a step towards her and she instantly took a step back. "Please just listen to me. I never meant-"

But she cut him off before he could finish "you never meant to what Duncan? Never meant for me to find out? Never meant to cheat? Never meant to fuck some woman and lie to your wife?"

"Y/N it was stupid. I shouldn't have done it. I need you Y/N. Only you. I love you. Your my wife. Please forgive me and then we can go back to how things were. We are happy. I will make it up to you." he pleaded his voice breaking.

"I never meant to hurt you I swear it won't happen again, please let's work this out!" A few tears slid down his cheek. Your expression softened a bit, "I am not jealous Duncan just very hurt." You felt the tears coming down again. "You broke my heart." You stated sadly. "Baby please let me fix this, the last thing I wanted was to hurt you I was drunk and made a fucked up mistake. Please let's work things out I love you."

Y/N trembling on the floor, too numb to feel, tears blurring your vision. Is this some mistake? A misunderstanding? The email replays in my head. No. No misunderstanding, it couldn't be clearer.

But when?

Oh, Y/N, he's never here. He's always working. You should have known. Why didn't you know? You felt broken. Duncan looked at you with pleeding eyes "are we going to be OK?" You let out a shuddering breath "It will take time but yes I think we will." You replied.

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