Chapter 1:Welcome home

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[Ember's POV]
I was on a train home, it was raining and everyone was asleep well almost everyone this little girl sitting beside me was bouncing in her seat supposedly hyper, and let me just say it was adorable.

"Ma'am?", She tugged on my arm as I looked down at her.

"Oh sorry, yes?" she smiled and let go of me.

"You're really pretty", I smiled at her compliment and pat her head.

"Well you're very cute", she giggled but then she gasped.

"What's the matter?", I turn towards her as she pointed out the window to dark clouds looming over the town and a racket coming from the roof of the train.

"What the..?"

I get out of my seat and make my way to the roof of the train where I see a man waving a staff around, I feel my feet slide a bit due to the water.

"What the hell is this?", I question, he turns to me, waving his staff toward me.

"Ah you should get going dear, it's wet out~", he then winked at me and waved the staff above his head producing a gust of wind, I plant my feet and cover my face with my arms trying my best not to slip.

"W...woah come on man!", I quickly raise my hand and throw a fireball in his direction, it knocks his balance off, and he twists his body turning into a mist, evaporating into thin air.

"Oh give me a breakkk" I sigh and look around the top of the train almost slipping off when someone grabs my shoulder!

"What are you doing up here?", I recognized the voice as Gray my elder brother...well kinda.

"Gray!?", I catch my balance and spin around hugging his half-naked frame. Wait?

"IT'S RAINING WHY ARE YOU NAKED!?", I push him away and cover my mouth in disgust.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION FIRST EMBER!", He huffed and grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back inside the train, with my arms crossed, I answer him.

"I was investigating a disturbance- wait why are you here!?", my hands now on my hips and his on his own. We stare at each other before I hear the little girl from earlier.

"Are you okay ma'am?", I look her way and smile completely disregarding Gray.

"Oh yes, im fine ___?"

"Oh! I'm Neema!"

"Ember Frucia", I shake her hand and point towards Gray.

"That's my brother Gray don't worry about him", I feel a smack to the back of my head, and I look back towards him.

"I said to stop calling me that.", He looks down at Neema and nods, acknowledging her existence.

"So was it like a total bad guy up there!?", she jumped up in down in excitement. I let out a gentle sigh and pat her head.

"Yes there was actually", her eyes sparkle, and she claps happily, Gray chimes in.

"Don't you have a mom to get to?", I whip my head toward him and pout. She stops in her tracks and bows apollagetcly, her hands firmly to her side

"I have no idea where my mother is. I came on this train looking for Ms.June, my teacher." I gasp and Gray does the same as if we had the same thought.

"THE FAMOUS ONE!?" I ask excitedly, Neema smiles sheepishly and nods to my accusation.

"She's a super popular and strong ice did you get her to be your teacher?", Gray asked this as he finally put on a shirt, Neema sighs.

"I can't share the details, but I must find her...", she shifted on her heels. I give her a small smile and Gray already knows what I'm about to suggest.

"You should come home with us Neema, the fairy tail guild should be able to track her?", I wasn't sure we could but having this child all by herself concerned me, thankfully she agreed.

"O..okay I guess?", She was very unsure but was alright with coming with us, we seemed trustful enough. We all sit back down, the train car of people are now awake and aggravated at our loud behavior, but they just all try to mind their business. I look out the window before a couple more people join us

"Ember?", I look over immediately and smile to see Erza, I practically jump out of my seat and hug her, and she simply pats my back.

"Aw I didn't know you were here Erza!", I'm grinning ear to ear before Natsu pats my head, I gasp in surprise.

"Pinky is here too!?", Gray bursts into laughter, as Natsu knocks my head, the train starts moving his face immediately gets sickly as he falls over, I stick my tongue out in a mocking manner.

"Who's she?", I look over and see a pretty blonde girl, she has our guild mark and she sits next to Erza. They all look at this girl before I see Erza pointing at me.

"That's Ember, an old friend.", she leans back and notices Neema, giving her a nod.

"I'm Lucy, nice to meet you, and is this your daughter?", my mouth falls agape and I let out an exasperated groan.

"No that's Neema, we're taking her to the guild.", Neema waves at Lucy, getting a wave back. I speak to Lucy for the remainder of the ride to get to know her story, literally once she finished we arrived in Magnolia Town.

"Finally now I can go home...", I mumble kinda tired, Lucy deadpans at my comment, I guess that was kinda rude of me out of context.

"Let's go I'm sick of trains...", Natsu grabs Lucy and runs in the direction of our guild, Erza runs after them, which leaves me, Gray, and Neema to stare at them from the doors of the train, then suddenly a bag falls over and Happy falls out.

"FINALLY!", I squat down to his level and pick him up examining him, he seemed confused but he was just in Natsu's bag.

"He's up there.."I point in the direction Natsu ran and the blue cat quickly flew away.

We all follow behind Natsu, Lucy, and Erza at a normal pace just then I see a building, all too familiar.

"Oh wow."

I look at the person speaking and a smile adorns my face, his own lips curl into a smile as he walks toward me.

Oh to see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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