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Chapter 1
By Laila and Aaliyah

It all started then, when she left... my mom left. In this cruel world with my abusive step dad. He blames me, he blames me for her death. I'm starting to think it is my fault. I mean after all I didn't encourage her to stay alive. But is it really my fault?.. She died of cancer, so is it really?!... I wish I could turn back the hands of time and go back to that day, the day where I could of told her to hang on to life, for me!

I guess life is evil then huh, takes
away everyone and everything you love. If only I could leave this place too. Not like anyone would care. They would just make me move town and school... again. For the billionth time, I really hate this life. I want something new, a change and I want a big one!

"You don't deserve to be alive" shouted Derek.*Hits Aria loudly*
"OW", she squealed in pain as her vision became blurry.
"You deserve all of this, every little bit" he replied with anger.
"It's not my fault, please it's really not" Aria Blurted
"Your a disgrace." Derek Muttered as he kicked Aria.
"I'm sorry, I really am" Aria whispered as she starts to pass out.

I woke up with a bloody nose and a headache. I wondered what happened, and then it hit me... He hurt me, again. I want it to stop I really do but then after all I deserved it. I could of saved her, she could of still been with me ; and this is all because I didn't save her! Yes, I regret it. Of course I do. I mean shes my mother I'd do anything to keep her by my side, always and forever!

I started moving towards the table where I find a paper laying on the table, I pick it up squinting my eyes to see the writing, god he hit me hard...I can barely see a thing luckily atleast i can see the handwriting, It says 'Good morning the mistake of a child! tomorrow you are going to your new school so get up and get everything ready, if I see even a ,little bit of dust you'll get beaten so hard you won't even be able to stand up.' I shivered at the last part of the letter, And I only have 12 hours to clean the whole house, find the new school clothing and try to cover up my bruises, great just great.

I'm pretty sure he put school clothes around here somewhere... Probably in his room the place I'm not allowed to...If he finds out he will kill me! Oh well I need school clothes otherwise he will beat me more till i bleed to death. I started making my way upstairs as quiet as i could because he still could be here...each step I try to not creak and be as quiet as possible until I reach my last step that's when I see Derek standing there frowning at me with a murderous look in his eyes.

OK so... this is aaliyah writing this rn and omg this story excites even myself like what is derek going to do to her? and what kind of school is it? anyways thank you for reading this chapter! Have a good day lovelies 😊

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