What Lead!?

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The minicons could only watch as their master fought in front of them, wielding their blades but not able to use them. "Master let us assist you!" Slipstream requested.

"No!" Drift shouted, holding back his own former master with his blades. "Do only as you are told!"

"As I always taught you..." Shadow Raker broke free of the lock their blades had been, planting several attacks on Drift. "Concern for others is folly...And often fatal!"

As the two resumed their fight, Jetstorm and Slipstream watched from the sidelines.

"Oh...!" Jetstorm complained. "How can we aid our master if he will not permit us to fight!?"

Slipstream's optics narrowed. "We will find another way..."

Jetstorm didn't like the sound of that. He could feel the plotting in his brother's processor through their bond, though he could not determine the details. I don't like this...

Slipstream looked to him, a smirk on his face. Just trust me...Follow my lead.

What lead? I don't know what-

The pair's silent conversation was cut short as they saw their master become tied to a tree by Shadow Raker's webbing. Shadow Raker then turned to them. "He has held you close in fear of losing you as I did with him...Had I not, he'd still be by my side."

"Shadow Raker..." Slipstream murmured. "...We doubt it." Jump, Jetstorm!

Jetstorm only hesitated for a split second before jumping onto his brother's blade and letting him fling him up into the air. He swung his nunchuks around as he flew, but was unable to prevent Shadow Raker from first webbing his brother and then him. He yelped as he was knocked back, falling backwards onto the ground.

The good news was that the webbing ball around him cushioned his fall...The bad news was that he was now trapped. He struggled to get loose of the webbing, or at the very least, stand up again.

Pretend to be freaking out. His brother encouraged.

Oh I don't need to pretend, Slipstream...!

"Do not touch them!" Drift shouted angrily, trying to free himself as well.

"But I promised punishment for your betrayal..." Shadow Raker cooed. "...It's only honorable to deliver on one's promises..."

The two minicons ceased their struggling as Shadow Raker stood over them, staring into his optics.

Now what...!?

Jetstorm let out a yelp as Shadow Raker grabbed the webbing and slung them both over his shoulders. He continued to struggle, his brother alongside him.

"Well Deadlock, I've enjoyed our little reunion..."

"There is nowhere you can go to escape me!" Drift informed. "You cannot run far enough that I will not find you!"

"I suppose we'll see, won't we...?"

The mincons were jostled as the decepticon transformed into beetle mode, and yelped as they were then lifted up off of the ground.

Jetstorm could only watch as their master got smaller and smaller as they left him behind. "M-Master Drift...!" He whimpered.

Don't worry, Jetstorm. I have a plan.

Oh, is this your existing plan? Or is it a new plan that you just came up with because you slagged up the last one!?

Calm down...We'll be okay.

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