Chapter 16: A penny for a tale

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Hello beasties! It's finally time for another chapter of Missi x reader! In this chapter, you and Missi will be going into goblin town, meet up with a few new characters(Butterworm and Butterbug and the other night things belong to Courtney Crumrin and the Night things, not me.), and encounter one of my new OCS near the end of this chapter.....(Also, gore warning in this chapter. You have been warned.)

The sounds of the darkened forest echoed around you as you followed Missi through the woodland, fireflies lighting the way.

"So, you've been to goblin town before?" You asked Missi, curious to hear what she was going to say.

Missi nodded. "Yes, I went there once before to get some components for the spell I needed to do, you probably know the one already."

"I don't see why you had to bring me along." Minoise huffed, following close beside the two of you. "I wanted to stay back at the castle."

"Minoise, last time you left animal guts all over the carpets. Do you know how hard it is to clean dried entrails out of the carpet?" Missi said, looking pointedly at the cat.

Minosie sighed, but didn't say anything more and the tree of you continued walking until you were in a clearing in the trees.

As you all stopped for a rest, you remarked casually as you sat down on a rock. "Funny, we're going to Goblin town, but we haven't seen any goblins yet......" Just then, you felt someone behind you, their hot breath on your neck.

"That's right lass, ain't nobody here but us chickens!" This caused you to leap off the rock in surprise, and turn to look at the thing behind you. Minoise saw the goblin, but merely rolled his eye and stayed in the same place, as if he'd seen the whole thing before. It was a goblin, one that looked like the ones you had seen in the Courtney Crumrin and the Night things comics you loved. The goblin looked familiar, you couldn't exactly remember his name....

 The goblin looked familiar, you couldn't exactly remember his name

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Missi didn't look impressed. "Hello Butterworm." She said. "Up to your old tricks again I see."

Oh, now you remembered. Butterworm. That was the goblin's name.

The goblin gave a toothy smile. "Of course, but a creature like meselfs didn't expect your little friend to be so ready to fight." His gaze was on your hands, and you lifted them up confusedly.

Instead of the fingernails on your hand, extending from the tips of your fingers were claws, wicked, curved  black talons that looked like they could scratch, or tear meat from bone......

"Oh, um sorry...." Silently, you willed your claws to go away, and they did, with a sound that reminded you of Wolverine's claws being sheathed into his hands, except more wet and fleshy. As your claws receded, your regular fingernails appeared.

" 'tis no problem, little fledgeling." Missi cut in. "I'm here with my lover" This made you blush. "And my farmiliar to collect some things from the city. Care to show us the way?"

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now