chapter 1 the begging

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WEDNESDAY! The begging of 9th grade my first year in high school I was so not ready. I was awake an hour before I had to be. My mom came in my room to yell "wake up." so I woke up really easy and got ready a pair of blue jeans some converse sneakers and a black t-shirt that said black ops 2. As I stepped on the bus my friend sam yelled "Faith back here." and stood up to let me in.I sat down I couldn't believe that I was a high schooler. we arrived at school we stepped off and walked in as I went into my homeroom I noticed how many new people there were in 9th grade. There was a boy I didnt know his name but he was cute really cute and he stood out the most. I sat right beside him and my very best friend Whitney sat beside me. The boy said "Hi my names Ryan what's yours."he asked "My names Faith." I replied.

this is my first book so as you read on please tell me if I should edit anything to help me get better at writing please and thank you

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