Chapter 1:High School Love

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For your information guys its my first time to share and create a story like this. This story was my personal experiences :)Some of the languages use is ilocano and tagalog..Guys I hope you will appreciate it.I didn'nt used real names for protection.

I hope you will ENJOY it;))


The first time I looked his cute face I knew that I was in love that time. His red lips,red rossy cheeks,his lovely eyes,his shiny hair-------PER-FECT. That was when I'm in 2nd year High School. I didn't usually saw his face when we were 1st year,sometimes I saw his face but that time I don't really really care with him I don't felt something was wrong.

Hi!... I said to him. His name is Vine but he ignored me not  once but many many many many many times ,I really really felt bad. I don't had a  crush to him I just want to socialize and knew other people. Because after  I graduated in the elementary,honestly I'm a shy guy,a silent guy not all the times I socialized but I'm  a speaker when I'm with my friends. Vine rejected me I'd done all the "papansin"tips like liking his pictures of in Facebook,texting him even he don't reply me back but it is still okay for me I just wanted to become a friend to him.

You!,do you experienced rejections? Rejection hurts,right.?! I always get their numbers when I want to introduced my self through text message. Once I texted him------"Hi with smiley faces" a few minutes I was shocked because he texted me back I was happy and I'm excited to open the message.I'm curious what he replied .... Oh my God! An evil monster entered my body and he said-"Who's this"

I texted him,I introduced my self that time I wasted my 1 dollar just to text him and he only said "Who's this".I tried to explained myself but he never replied back again.

"Can  you please tell Vine that I'm the one texted him last night and please try to convince him to become my friend not just a friend a bestfriend"I said to Don. Don was my ex-classmate when we were elementary he was our valedictorian. Don was classmate with Vine since 1st year up to now.

They're SSC(Special Science Class) only who those who passed the SSC entrance test. I tried to took the test but I failed only one subject and it took too long time to accept it. Vine was l-Everlasting when we were freshmen and I'm belong to regular section(l-Camia) I always texted him every night.

I always greet him specially when I'm going to bed I took some time just to text him and he didn't know my sacrifaces.I wish that time he will know my efforts I'm always waiting his text I thought he changed his simcard or he blocked me. What a nice solution,I just laughed that time even my classmates irritating me,they call me "ASA"-expecting something that it will never be happened.

In every morning,me and my classmates were going to open those windows in our T.L E room and exactly my only purpose was to see him because our room was only infront of their room.So in the morning Vine was still in their door waiting their teacher to open their door.

So I just dreaming that someday he will be my friend..-----My friend said,"When would that be? When the earth fades?"   I only smiled even I 'm irritated.

And a few minutes I observed that only me who was inside the room,they silently move outside and they hide. When 7:15 A.M in the morning it was the time that the bell rang-a signal that we were going to go in the gymnasium for the flag ceremony. It was sad because our line l-Camia was far in l-Everlating but I took a long time to saw him even I heard the laugh of my classmates.

Honestly,I'm not active in participating  school activities when I was 1st year because of him I'm inspired in waking up in the morning he was the reason in going to school everyday. Someday he will realize that without me his life will be booring.I'm still hoping that he will be my closefriend,until now it's still a dream.I tried to make it real.--------REAL!!!!!


If you have any suggestions or helpful critiques,please leave a comment I'd love to hear your suggestions:) I'm not good in English but there is a lot of room for improvement.

I hope you appreciated it. That's the end of my first chapter I hope you enjoyed it. So,tell me if it's good I'll write another chapters:)) Thanks for reading.:)God Bless:))Just comment if it's okay:))

Again Thanks Guys:))

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