Before Joelle's Departure From Life

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narrated by Eugene, Joelle's best friend, the first one who witnessed her departure.

1 Day before Joelle's Departure.
a soft voice said, her arm immediately reached the back of my neck. Her hands were touching my right ear.

It was Joelle. She looked pale. Her lips were chapped, her skin was very dry. Her breath was very heavy. I stared at her for a long time instead.

"Whatcha' doing there?"
"Nothing, actually. Just sketching."
I was actually sketching a portrait of her, and was planning to give her as a Christmas present.

Although Christmas was still 60 days ahead.

She frowned.
"What do you mean? You said you were doing nothing but you're just sketching? Can you just answer a simple, 'just sketching' without saying you're not doing anything", and she let out a sudden loud laughter.
I was confused, actually. Her laughter was contagious. I laughed too.
I put my drawing block and the other stuff a side.

We were hanging out at a playground nearby our neighborhood. A place where we had shared so many memories. We technically grew up there, spent half of our lifetime building memories together.

It was fall.

"What are your plans?" I asked, to brainstorm what should we do instead of just hiding from the mid-day sun under the slide.
"I don't know. I rather sit here for hours."

I noticed something different about her today. She was not that hyper, like the other days. She would randomly hug me tight until I could barely breathe. She would have the energy to walk across town just to pickup trashes. She is the kind of girl that won't do any mainstream thing that teen girls nowadays do. That's her main superpower.

"Have you walked across town today?"
She shook her head.
"Okay. How about Henry? Did you went to see him?"
Henry is a horse that my father gave her as a present for her 6th birthday. Yeah, my family owns a horse barn not far from town. As far as I could remember, Joelle never skipped a day to feed or visit him.
She shrugged.

She really made me confused that day.

"Have you ever felt like you're about to..die?"
I frowned.
When I look at her, her head was against the metal pole of the slide. Hugging her knees while looking away.
"What made you think of that?"
She smiled weakly, and turned to me.
"Not sure. But something isn't right."

She slowly crawled out from our secret hiding place. She stood up and squinted her eyes, not wanting the sunlight to make her green eyes blind.

"Hey! Don't leave me hanging!" I said, popping my head out.
She turned and smiled,
"See you around."


Hours before Joelle's Departure

I eventually started the next day as usual. I went for a morning stroll around the neighborhood. I was thinking about Joelle.

Her last words were,
"See you around."
made me thought of her the whole night.

I passed by her house.
There was a car I've never seen before.
Joelle had lived with her father and a little brother. She never mentioned about a mother. I never asked too.

I stopped by and wanted to check on her. I came by to her front door and rang the bell.
Jude, her 9 year old little brother opened the door. We are pretty close too.

"Hey, Jude. Where's Joelle?"
He remained silent and pointed at the back, which is the way to Joelle's room.

"Is she okay?"
He looked down and was starting to cry.
I was confused. I hugged him instead.
"Hey tell me. Or can I at least see her?"
He wiped his tears and grabbed my hand, leading me inside of the house.

I really loved the scent of Joelle's house. It smells like scented candles everywhere. Lavender to be exact. She loved making her own candles.

We entered her room.
Joelle was lying down, very pale. Her skin looks more bluish. I never seen her like this before.
I saw her father and a woman I've never seen before, sitting next to her bed. Holding Joelle's hand.

"Hey, Eugene." His father greeted me. A weak smile was drawn in his face.

I was very confused.

"What's wrong with Joelle?"
Her father shrugged. He shook his head and put his head down.
The woman, that I assume is Joelle's mother, looked at me.
"Take a seat, son."
I sat down, I could barely look at Joelle. She doesn't look like the girl I've known for my life time. She looked like... A corpse that was still breathing.

"I'm Joelle's mother. Yeah, I've never been around. Me and Thomas had divorced."

I didn't want to hear that. The only thing that matters now is what the hell happened to Joelle.
Is she okay?

"She has cancer."
"What cancer?"
Both of them shrugged.
I was angry and confused. They declare that their daughter has cancer but don't know what type of cancer?

"Even the doctor couldn't detect what illness she's suffering."

I was speechless. My eyes were fixed at Joelle.
"Eu...gene", she softly said.
My heart shattered a thousand pieces.
There were so many 'what ifs' in my head.
"What if this is the last time I will see Joelle?"
I couldn't help but tried to hold the tears.
It hurts to see Joelle this way.

"Dad..can you please.."
Her father didn't let her finish. He nodded, smiled weakly and brought the woman out too. They slowly exited her room.

I reached Joelle's hand. Kissed it. Hold it as if it was a very precious thing.

"Yes, Jolly?" That was a pet name for Joelle. She hates it but it doesn't seem to bother her that day.
She chuckled weakly.

"God is calling me already."

Her words were like thousands of swords, cutting through my heart.

"Why'd you say that?"

She shrugged.
"But I'm pretty sure about it."

I couldn't help but to burst into tears.

"Death is a sure thing."
Joelle once said.
I'm about to experience the death of my beloved friend. No. A life partner.

She repeated the words again.

"Please pray for me."
I held her hands tightly, kissed it.

I can't think of anything to say.
"Joelle, I love you."

She nodded and her lips were drawn into a big bright smile. Tears were rolling down on her once reddish cheek.

"Please, Jude and my mom to come in."

I called them in. They gathered around and hugged Joelle.
I was so happy to see Joelle's complete family. But at the same time, they were about to lose one member.

Everyone sat down, we were looking at her.

She was growing weaker.
She fold her hands together, I assumed she was praying. I prayed a little prayer in my heart too.
Her breath had begun to shortened.
She closed her eyes,

And said,

She left.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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