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In case your wondering, this is pretty much a bodil666 and reader fanfic.

Your POV

Darkness. Darkness was what you were surrounded by one gloomy evening. You reach your place of destination.  A old, creepy mansion with a name engraved on the top of the doors. The triple 6 mansion. A slight feeling of terror and dread comes apon you, and you struggle to force it down in your mind.

You grab a torch from the main entrance, then you head into the mansion. The moonlight came in through old windows stained with red splatters. The orange and yellow carpet was stained with red as the walked by creepy paintings that were scratched and torn.

You came across the room of the house owner. The doors were long and tall, torn and stained with red. The doors were slightly opened, and you gently push them open with the end of you torch. The shadows in the room shrank away as the moonlight touched it.

Several knives were hung up on the wall, stained with red. The bedsheets were unused, but still stained. The windows were shattered and the floor was freezing. The splatters of red caused shivers of fright to go up your spine.

You unsucessfully try to find the house owner. Instead, you begin a search throughout the creepy mansion. Serveral skeletons lay everywhere,  and the stains of red became fresher and fresher as you walked towards 2 narrow doors.

The doors were covered in splatters of red, but a visible knife hung near the top of it. The once again push the doors open, only to find a mess of bodies and splatters. Terrified, you shut the door and stagger away from the room, shocked by the amount of gore.

You come across what seemed to be a dining hall. The doors were engraved with bones and skeletones brewing stew. As you push the doors open, you hear the noise and squeaking.  Several mice run around the floor, diving into their holes.

Still, no house owner there. The more rooms you go by, the more and more concerned you became.

Finally, you came across a large room with a huge sword plastered across it. Pushing it open, you find a bunch of machines. There was a chainsaw cover in red, and a axe with a sharp edge. A certain machine which sem to pull things apart, and a machines which would drill holes into things.

They were all coated in red and seemed to be used often. As you looked around, you heard whimpering coming from a certain corner.

You saw a man. He looked terrified as he had seen a bundle of ghosts. He was tied up with a gag covering his mouth.

He was trying to say something, only interrupted by the scary laugh that echoed through the room.

Thinking quickly, you hide behind a pile of boxes. The laughs get closer and closer, and the man looks more terrified than ever.

You peek out behind the boxes. A dark figure walks across the room towards the man. Glowing red eyes. Evil grin. And clothes splattered with red.

The figure held a small knife in his hand. The knife was very sharp, with a coat of red so thick you couldn't see the metal.

You watched as the figure laughed once more, and a terrible noise was heard. The man screamed with pain, then fell to the ground, blood pooling at the ground where he was stabbed. Shocked by what you saw, you let out a tiny gasp.

The dark figure turned around and stared at you, just as you clamp you mouth shut. You quickly grab your torch and run towards the door, the figure hot on your heels. You passed many doors, Heading towards the exit of the dark mansion.

Thats when you felt a pain up your leg. You desperately try to run on, only to find a pain in your arm. Your arms and legs were snatched, and your world grew dimmer and dimmer. You heard the laugh once again, and the figure looked down on you.

You saw a man. Bodil666. He grinned as your life faded away, never to be seen again.

He never got the message.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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