Ritual (Omega × Reader) Part I

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(E/C)=Eye Color
(H/C)=Hair Color
(Y/N)=Your Name
~(Y/N) Pov~                                                                         
           I am so excited!I get to go to a Ritual!(A Ghost Concert)I can't contain my excitement!This is going to be my first ever concert!I'm so stoked!I even got VIP tickets to meet them!This is going to be the best night ever!!!I took a shower then changed into one of my Ghost shirts while putting on some pants.I wear my
(H/C) hair down then put on a choker.After,I got done,I got in my car then drove to the place quickly,as possible.I got out then got into the very short line after,that I finally got in!I got a front row seat to view the band better.I'm so happy I got tickets to see Ghost!I want to ask Papa III and the ghouls to sign a shirt,a vinyl,and a poster.In a while,the whole room was crouted with fans.The intro played then the lights turned dim.Square Hammer was playing,everybody was chanting the lyrics with Papa III but while that was happening I've seen one of the ghouls staring at me,It was Omega.On the inside I was fangirling so hard but I managed to hold it together.He was looking at me for mostly the whole Ritual.During Monstrance Clock,I swear he winked at me!

~Omega's POV~
I found the most beautiful woman,I've ever seen...Her (H/C) hair suits her well~I need to make her mine.I think she caught me staring at her.SHIT.SHIT.SHIT.Uhhh,Act normal just do your thing,Play the guitar!I played for the whole Ritual but I couldn't stop staring at her.Something is pulling me towards her.You know what fuck it,I have to make a move.So,I guess I'll wink at her.That will do something I think...Oh man,she looks red from here.But man,she has to be mine,I swear to Satan~

(Time Skip To When You Meet The Band To Save Some Time)

                 Un-Holy Shitttt!!!I'm 2nd in line to meet Ghost!Hehehe!I'm so happy!!!Okay,okay!I'm going next now!I walked up to the table where the band is sitting at and let them stamp and sign my stuff.The band is genuinely really nice!Especially,Omega!He complemented my (E/C) eyes and my (H/C) hair.He said it suits me very well and he fucking called me beautiful!!!I'M DIEING INSIDE!!!"Well,thank you so much!That's so nice of you to say!I really love you and your band!Hope you have a safe trip to your next Ritual."I said,smiling."Heh,no worries!Also,thank you very much!Omega said,cheerfully.I nodded then left.When I got to my car,I heard someone running behind me so I looked back.It was Omega who was running.He was still in his suit."Hey!"He said,out of breath."Oh,hello!I should let you catch your breath for a second."I said.After a bit he spoke."This might be weird but what was your name?I didn't get it while back there,heh"He said."It's not weird at all.Anyways,my name is (Y/N)"I said,with a smile."Well,(Y/N) I was wondering if we can get a coffee or something tomorrow?I know this is random.But,I have to admit.You are so fucking beautiful~We are staying here for the next 3 days for a break.Since,we have been traveling a lot."He said."Sure,why not?Can I get your number if that is fine with you?"I asked."Sure thing!"He said,pulling his phone out from his back pocket.We exchanged numbers and said our goodbye's.Man,today was fucking amazing!Also,I think I just got a date with the one and only,Omega!

Ayyyy,My first ever fan fic I ever posted!Hope this isn't too bad or boring.Also,I'm very much open to feedback!Give me your opinions on this!Well,bye laddies and matties!

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