ed . . .

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Adrenaline was pumping through his system. He was preparing to fight or flee, depending on what they found. The others were jittery, red-faced, working themselves up, but Ed felt a familiar calm begin to settle over him, a weird detachment. A coldness. When it came time to fight─if it came time─he knew what would happen. He would explode into a ruthless killing frenzy. All the time, though, a part of him would be sitting back watching. Watching the other Ed. Ed the killer. It frightened his friends when they witnessed it. In battle he was the most ferocious of them all. It's what kept crazy Kyle loyal to him, always at his side.

The main difference between the two of them was that Kyle enjoyed all this running, fighting, hunting, killing.

Ed hated it.

Avoided it if he possibly could.

But a kid in peril, chased by sickos, that was something he couldn't avoid.



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&&.     ed carter is a savoir but a killer. he can be cold but warm. he wants to survive and stay safe, but he'll do almost anything to save a kid who may be in danger. like everyone, he has fears and regrets and guilt. he couldn't save his best friend so now he's trying to save any kid he can in hopes of forgetting his old best friend.

 he couldn't save his best friend so now he's trying to save any kid he can in hopes of forgetting his old best friend

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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