It started when I was five, when I really started to browse around in people minds. Started off when they let us go to the playground on the first day. I had fallen off the swings and Mac began laughing at me. I remember just staring at her trying not to cry when I heard a static noise and suddenly Mac's voice was in my head. "Haley is so dumb, everyone knows to hold on."  The static came back and I could no longer hear her voice, only my own. I remember coming home and telling my mother what happened. She looked shocked. Almost as she pitied me, she told me my father had the same ability before he died. She told me I had to be careful and not tell a single soul about this. She died when I was 12 and I moved in with my aunt Theresa. 

Every now and then my mind would wander off and next thing I  knew I was in someone else's head. By the time I turned 14 I was able to finally control whose mind I entered. I began to take advantage of it and would catch up on gossip at school without having to talk to anyone. I wasn't anti-social though. I had a friend. Being able to read minds really shows you how much people lie. Josette was the only person who actually spoke pure truth. Another perk of reading minds was not having to study for any test. All I had to do was pop into the mind of the smartest people in that class and boom! Passing grades. The only thing I would do on my own were essays. Words had to be my own. Josette would always ask me how it was I knew everything about everything and everyone. I would only reply with, "I have people on the inside." It always made her laugh. 

Now 17 I developed the biggest crush on Josette. I do anything to make her smile, I drive her to school and home, I bring her coffee or whatever she is craving to work. Once I developed that crush I made myself promise to never read her mind. That would just be unfair. If I wanted to know if she liked me back I wanted to do it the normal way. I wanted to be shocked. I wanted to feel that excitement everyone else feels when they recieve amazing news.  

I drove over to pick her up from work. It was snowing so I decided to bring her some hot chocolate from Dunkin. I called her to tell her I was outside and right after ending the call I saw her small figure run over to the passenger seat. 

"You are a lifesaver Haley," she said as she buckled her seatbelt "You brought me hot chocolate? I love you! you are the best."

 my heart skipped a beat. "What are friends for right?" I really wanted to tell her there. "Jo there is something I've been meaning to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"So we have been friends for almost 4 years and you mean a lot to me. I just wanted to let you know tha-" I was interrupted by her phone. She quickly answered her call.

"Hello?Oh hi Axel," Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink "I just got out of work. No. Mmm depends who's paying haha. tonight? Of course. I'll see you then."

I know what I promised myself.... but at this point I had to see. I just have to know if she likes him. The static began and quickly I was in her head. "I have a date! A date with Axel! He really does like me. Can my day get any better? I can't wait to get ready." The static began again and her voiced was no longer in my head. I felt the tears start, but I can't let her see them. I quickly pushed them away and she hung up the phone. She squealed in excitement before putting her phone away and picking up the hot chocolate. "Who was that?" I asked her while awkwardly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Axel, the cute guy from my english class. He asked me on a date. Tonight! He invited me to dinner. Isn't this exciting? I never get asked out." Her cheeks became brighter with every second she spent talking about him.

"That's amazing, Jo. I'm guessing we won't be hanging out after work then?"

"Oh crap. I am so sorry. I was all caught up in the moment. I'll cancel on him if you want."

"No don't do that. It's your first date. As your best friend I understand. Now let's get you home so you can get all sexy for your date." 

I forced a smile and began the awkward drive to her house. She doesn't live far. A good 5 minutes driving. The whole 5 minutes felt like a whole year. I felt as if my heart would explode at any second. Once we reached her house she quickly grabbed her bag and opened her door. She stopped quickly, "You were gonna say something before he called. What was it?" 

"Nothing. Don't worry about it, it is no longer important."

"Are you sure?" her face looked concerned.

"Yes I am sure. Now go have fun. Give me details tomorrow at school. "  She smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek before quickly leaving the car.

 That kiss basically broke my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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