Love's way

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The bedroom was dark, the curtain was drawn over the single window. The light from the lamp that Yura had left lit in the bedroom trailed down the hall, shadowing the opaque objects that stood ahead. On nights like this, it seemed like there's nothing else in the world except for the two of them. Key couldn't help himself but to wonder what'll happen if he told her he wanted to break up again. It might drive him insane. The image of her crying when he asked for a break up last time replayed inside his mind, he could never bring himself to finish that train of thought.

Against his back, Yura pressed her face into the rough fabric of his jacket. "Are you awake?" she whispered, her voice soft and calming. "I can't sleep."

Key let out a small sigh and turned around to face her. "I thought you were asleep." He continued. "I can't sleep either."

Slender arms wrapped around his waist as Yura leaned up against Key's broad chest. Sighing and closing his eyes, Key snaked his arm underneath her head while his other one held her smooth hand.

Maybe-he thought. If he change and fix himself to be a better person, try to understand his girl's heart better, change his hobby, listen to her thoughts more-they wouldn't have to end up fighting all the time.

Heck, that's what he was trying to do the whole time in this relationship; and he failed so badly at it.


"Nnn?" she replied. There was a short silent afterwards, and she knew what he was going to say. Just when she was about to open her mouth again, Key continued.

"I'm sorry," his voice was quiet, and the grip he held onto Yura's hand was tighter. "I'm sorry about this evening. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for everything." When he spoke again, his voice was painted with bitterness and pain. Key hated how they always fight with each other for no reason. He wanted to end this relationship. But he couldn't bear seeing his girl cry, nor could he live without her. Hearing no response, Key cued another sigh and kissed her forehead, thinking that it would be a fine day tomorrow.


"Hey babe, I'm going out with SHInee, you wanna come?" when the work day was concluded, he would go out with his fellow friends; SHInee. Yura would usually object his offering, but for their sake, she nodded. Today, the hang out place was Onew's place. It was small, but comfy nether less. Inside, circle shaped furniture was placed and the other guys were already sitting there, talking happily among themselves.

"Oh, Bummie! You're here!" Onew grinned widely towards his fellow. The moment his noticed a girl behind him, his smile immediately faded. But they were to slow to notice it before he replaced it back with a half-smile. "Yura! Welcome! Come in."

The members greeted them happily. For the couple to know, that his comrades were rather awkward to have Yura sitting in the circle with them. Taemin, being a bubbly maknae he was finally started a conversation towards his noona.

"Noona! I haven't seen you for a while! Are you that busy with your work?" he smiled, his perfectly lined teeth were shown sweetly.

The change was instantaneous. Yura gulped down the water Onew served her earlier without looking up. "Of course I'm busy. I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here" she scowled.

The other members looked at each other disapprovingly. The memory last year flooded inside their mind at the same time.

"Noona! I missed youu~!" Taemin sing sang the frequently said sentence towards Yura and threw his arms around her neck, almost suffocating her. The elder girl let out a small laugh and peeled the boy from her before patting his head.

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