first contact

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leah had never wanted this day to come. but it was here, and there was nothing she could do about it. she had known about it for a month, and knew she would have to come back for it.

she had been gone since the volturi had ran. technically, she was still part of jacob's pack, but it had been nearly five years since she had last phased. she had enrolled at a college in california, and hadn't come back to la push since. after graduation, she began working at an animal shelter. her nature was helpful with the animals, and she found them to keep her calm.

she had avoided seeing sam or emily and had barely spoken with any member of her old pack or her current pack, and was slowly finding her happiness again. she hadn't met anyone else and almost preferred it that way, afraid of getting broken again.
but she had to come back for this. her family had mostly accepted, though unhappily, her request to be left alone. she didn't want any reminders or connections to all the people and comforts she had lost when she ran from la push ten years ago. but they knew she would have been sad to miss this, and her brother had happily called her a month ago to let her know of his engagement.

it had been a short phone call, with her brother calling to let her know that he had imprinted on a friend renesmee had made in college a year ago. seth said they were getting married in a month and he wanted leah to be his best man.

leah had been silent for nearly two full minutes, unable to process that yet another member of their tribe had imprinted and she was still alone. she finally asked for the date and told him she would be there, and then hung up. then she went to the local thrift shop and bought the first suit she found that fit.
the day before the wedding she rented a car and began driving back to la push, the place she thought she had left behind.

seth ran out to greet her the second her car stopped. he was wearing suit pants and a white button-up, with a bow tie half-tied around his neck. it fell off with his speed as he ran to hug his sister.

"hey se-" leah started to say, but she got caught off as he flung his arms around her and squeezed tight, so tight she could barely breathe. she was annoyed at first, but then realized how much she had missed her happy little punk of a baby brother. she hugged him back, hard, and was almost happy - and then the smell hit her.

she wrinkled her nose and loosened her arms from around seth, and he stepped back. "you just had to invite the leeches didn't you?" she groaned, her good mood gone. she knew there was no more bad blood between the coven and the packs anymore, but that didn't mean she had to like them. she still hadn't forgiven bella for all the pain she had put jake through. even more, she hated how the vampire's very existence had completely uprooted her life by being the catalyst that began the werewolves' transformations.

seth took a deep breath and rubbed his neck, an old nervous habit that alerted him to the fact that the bowtie was no longer around his neck. he sighed, and went to pick up the fallen bowtie. "please, leah, be nice. they've been really helpful these past few years and our relationship is better than ever. you know i consider them my friends. you don't have to go near them if you don't want to. just stand next to me at the altar and be your handsome self." he pleaded, beginning to shake the bowtie to knock the dirt off. 

leah smiled at his attempt to butter her up. "i know seth, i know. i don't hate them as much as i did. it's just... still hard for me to be around them." she countered, feeling bad for upsetting her brother on his wedding day. "so when can i meet the girl that my baby brother imprinted on?"

seth wrinkled his nose at being referred to as the 'baby brother,' but that was quickly erased by his ear-to-ear grin at the mere mention of her. "luna. her name's luna. she's in your old room getting ready with nessie and a couple of others. they won't let me in, of course." 

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