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Four years before the Apocalypse in a Coven in New Orleans...

The door to the entrance opened as Zoe looked down for the railings. It was Cordelia Goode their leader depressed and devastated over her worst failure as a Supreme.

"Cordelia.." Zoe whispered under her breath to a sobbing Cordelia as she ran downstairs.

She ran downstairs to comfort her and hugged her, although she would not even give her a quick glare at her.

"Where's Queenie..." Zoe whispered.

"I failed Zoe, I failed this coven, I failed you, I failed Queenie, and I have failed as a supreme." Cordelia cried.

Zoe broke the hug with now here and Cordelia looking eye to eye.

"Come on, let's have a seat," Zoe insisted.

Zoe took Cordelia's hand and led her to the living room,a room they used to use for their gatherings and morning meetings. They both took out a seat, sitting face to face.

"What happened and where is Queenie?" Zoe questioned.

Cordelia let a few moments blaze by before muttering an answer.

"She's gone, no longer with us but still is but dead," Cordelia let out.

"What are you talking about?" Zoe asked.

Cordelia then gazed into Zoe's soul before she told the story, her eyes filled with eerie and sadness.

"She was killed at the Hotel Cortez, I could still see and feel her but she just wasn't there...her soul resides in there." Cordelia cried.

"I tried at least twenty times trying to get her out until she assured me there is no other way and to move on without her, that place is connected to the depths of Hell itself", Cordelia said as she started to actually break down on the floor.

"Oh Queenie..," Zoe said before she joined her in mourning.

"Dark times are upon Zoe, I felt it since my trip at the Cortez." Cordelia cried.

"Queenie's death, Madison's disappearance, Nan's death, Misty's death......The fall of Riverdale." Cordelia mourned.

"Riverdale?" said a curious Zoe.

"Haven't you read the news, people coming back from the dead and infecting each other, killing each other, it's Marie Laveau all over again, it's a sign Zoe something bad will happen I know it." Cordelia stated.

"Oh my god, the world really is ending isn't it," Zoe said dumbfounded.

"Yes Zoe, it is a pity I know," Cordelia responded

"We can't just be sitting around here waiting to die we have to do something, especially for that town, god forbid it spreads anywhere else." Zoe cheered.

"Zoe we can't do anything, the world as we know it is being we speak." Cordelia sighed.

"Is this what you think a true supreme would do, saying "fuck it" and letting her sister witches die because she is too pussy to save a world that hasn't even started it's decay." Zoe yelled.

"Zoe..," Cordelia sighed.

"Listen Cordelia we can still reverse things if we act now, I say we perform some wicked voodoo on that town, it's getting worse by the minute, plus I might be able to help with my power negotiation. ," Zoe pleaded.

Cordelia finally stood up trying to put everything together.

"No Zoe...I have to do something first, where are the girls?" Cordelia asked.

"Sleeping, all of them, I was waiting for you," Zoe replied.

"Go get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow don't we Zoe?" Cordelia finally said with a faint smile.

"Yes Ms. Goode," Zoe hugged Cordelia and ran upstairs to bed.

Cordelia's smile faded. She didn't know what to do at this point. Despite her being the supreme she needed a right hand and guidance, an old friend. Cordelia went to her room following Zoe and got her mother's spell book she had but never occupied it until today. She knew it had to be done.

Cordelia headed upstairs to a studying room, enough space so she could perform her spell.

She took candles out off the closet and a knife.

She sliced her hand and drew it to make a pentagram, she then followed to light every candle around it with a single candle in the middle. Cordelia hesitated a few times due to how dangerous the spell was, but this was her only choice. And she started to speak the spell and let her blood fall on the single candle her internally crying every second.

Cinis est anima, oriri ex igne, revertere ad me, revertere ad me!

Cordelia's hand started to burn and peel.

Cinis est anima, oriri ex igne, revertere ad me, revertere ad me!

She started to see parts of the bone.

Cinis est anima, oriri ex igne, revertere ad me, revertere ad me!

She started to believe she had failed once again.

Revertere ad me! Reverter-

Cordelia jumped to the sight of a blaze of fire flashing back out her with her just barely blazed into a Barbecue. The candles and the fire went out as smoke as well as a woman in red were left behind.

Myrtle Snow the woman who was willingly sentenced to the stake for killing her council was hovering over the pentagram, not one scar to be in sight.

"What the...Delia," Myrtle mumbled.

"Myrtle...," Cordelia cried.

" Cordelia, I gave you strict instructions not to bring back nor let me be freed of my payment, why on earth did you do this Delia." Myrtle questioned and antagonized.

"I know Myrtle, but danger and the end of times is coming I can feel it, for the coven and the world, I don't know what to do anymore." Cordelia said before she started to break down.

Myrtle then began to understand and feel sympathetic for her beloved Cordelia and hugged her as she was crying holding her "toasty" hand.

"Let me heal this and then we talk my darling," Myrtle said as she grabbed a hold of her hand.

"No we must talk at once...", Cordelia replied.

American Horror Story:Concourse is to be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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