What Lies Within

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  • Dedicated to Leelee Gilkes


Honestly, I cannot make this anymore simple that it already is, I'm suicidal, and I'm depressed.. Now, for the people who attend my high school; you would most likely think this: “Why would the popular girl in school be so unhappy?" Haha. I laugh very loudly at your oblivious behavior and your immense stupidity. And my response to you all is this " How does one not see through a fake smile and a substantial amount of jovial behavior? How does one believe that someone can be so happy without being either on drugs on steroids?" However, I truly cannot blame you for the immense stupidity you have displayed, because the outside readers who probably have friends, who attend Seacrest High, will possibly believe the same thing.

But here's a reality check; listen closely because for those who truly know me, know that I highly hate repeating myself twice. So yes, I Jordyn Elizabeth Parker, the happiest girl in school is suicidal. Go ahead, laugh, laugh as loudly as you can; you sick and corrupted people because guess what I don't want the sympathy, I don't need it. "Why not, Jordyn?" ( I know that's what you guys are thinking, why don't I need the sympathy? ) I don't need it because none of you, I repeat none of you even cared about me until I actually admitted this depressing story. And for the sincere people that stuck besides me, oh wait, what the hell am I saying?;all of you guys betrayed me during our sophomore year. And I know, you're reading this, laughing at my depression. I hope you guys don't throw me that sympathy party that you think I need because guess what, babes I don't. So keep all the "time" and money" you would've spent on planning me this, because both of you guys are not worthy of having true friends and not worthy of living on this planet. And yes, I'm talking about Eliza Howard and Jacob Lincoln. For everyone who knows me you most likely know them, the high school sweet hearts, well at least that's what they were. But you know, they don't matter to me anymore, in fact they never did, I was just too scared to let go of them. As stated before, don't waste your time on me because I don't need it and the main reason I don't need it is because I don't want it. So yes, I'm a normal fifteen year old girl who feels:

Insecure about herself

As if she's a mistake

As if life just threw up on her and spat in her face

and this list of all my problems can continue.

But yes, I have issues, and you know what call me an " Alien" if you want because I will never be like you. But just know, I advise you to listen closely especially you Eliza and Jacob, because the truth unravels itself today, and all of you will find out what lies within

~ Jordyn

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