chapter one

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Zenon walks down the halls of the Mikaelson house in New Orleans. It was covered in dust and the remains of the last fight between Klaus and Elijah. Blood was splattered across the floor and the remains of what used to be furniture laid on the compound perfectly matching the dark and ominous property.

Zenon thought about what his life would have been if he grew up here not knowing that his father ,Elijah Mikaelson, had left him at this very compound and the reason simply being that someone or rather something, wanted to kill Zenon.

Zenon is a 15 year old tribrid and he has no idea that his family were the Original vampires, the immortal god-like creatures that can do just about anything they want and can only be killed by the white oak stake. His father and uncles and aunts have lived for about 4 centuries and his grandmother invented black magic. Klaus wanted his daughter Hope Mikaelson to train Zenon,for they have the same abilities. However, Zenon has no idea that he has black magic , werewolf royalty and original vampire blood running through his system, he was so in the dark about his ancestry that none of his crazy history has been revealed yet but all of that was going to change as soon as he met Hope.

They first met at the Salvatore school in Mystic falls. The school had been doing quite well for awhile now and Zenon first joined the school after discovering his witch powers. Discovered as in he was bullied in high school and almost killed his classmates after his laptop was used as a basketball. Alaric found him and decided to help him learn about his powers.

When Zenon first joined the school, he had some trouble fitting in as he knew nothing of the supernatural world. Everything felt different and that scared him. Not knowing what would happen next and always feeling alone and stranded in a sea of people who have been in the supernatural world since birth.

Maybe it was not knowing who his family were but Zenon absolutely hated family day. Everyone being all happy and excited to see their family and catch up on what happened during their time apart. Zenon occasionally thought about what he would say to his parents if they ever showed up. He wouldn't ask why they left him or how they felt about leaving him, he wanted to ask how they were holding up and tell them all about his love for music.

He wasn't the only one who felt left out. A brunette sat in the corner for family days too. She also had blue eyes like Zenon and he always felt a connection to her but never talked to her. He feared her but also respected her. She is Hope Mikaelson. The miracle child of Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson. The tribrid, the destroyer of worlds, the vessel of the hollow. He knew she was more than the gossip he overheard in school but he couldn't put his finger on it. All Zenon knew was that she was quiet, not just about her rarely talking, she was quiet on the inside, something that piqued Zenon's curiosity.

"Hey is this seat taken?" Zenon whispered gesturing to the empty spot beside Hope on the stairs.
"Knock yourself out." Hope replied, making it obvious that she was not interested in having a conversation.

Zenon toyed with the idea of asking about Hope about her family but he knew that it was a touchy subject. They sat there in silence for a few minutes before Zenon broke the silence with a question.

"So is what everyone saying true? Are you really the destroyer of worlds, the great tribrid?" He asked immediately cringing at what just cane out of his mouth.
"Sorry to disappoint but im no destroyer of worlds, Im just a werewolf that can do magic. Although once i activate my vampire side i can't guarantee the world will be safe." Hope said with annoyance in her voice.

Zenom was surprised that Hope was engaging in the conversation and seemed to want to talk. She was usually so closed off, the usual thick walls of seclusion seemed to be down for now.

Hope didnt know why she was engaging in this conversation, she hated talking to strangers yet Zenon seemed interesting. She couldn't exactly explain what he reminded her of. All she knew was that she felt a connection, not like anything she has ever felt before. He was different.

They sat there in silence for awhile more after exchanging numbers. Another thing Hope never thought she would agree to.

"Quiet. He's quiet" Hope thought to herself.
"So are you." Zenon said out loud.

Hope was confused. How did he know what she was thinking? Who was this boy that could read her mind? What did he want?
Zenon didn't realise that Hope had not said ger thought out loud and when she gave him a puzzled look, he realised what had happened. He thought to himself, who was this girl? Why could i read her mind? Can she read mine?

The pair separated without another word, Hope going to her room to flip through Freya's grimoires to try and figure out what just happened and Zenon going to the library to find a book of mental spells to do the same.

authors note

I am rewriting the book! I was sick and tired of the horrible storyline and the extremely short and poorly written chapters. Not to worry Chapter two is on it's way!

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