Zero 5 throews her frens on the grouend, killieng thEme nice and goed. She them takes off hEr horens and pleasures them by stabbing their fingers. THen a cwheelhair falls from the sky and screams, "END THIS WITH SLOBING ON MY KNOB LIKE CORN ON THE COB" and zero 5 lickes his wheels for he was the god of minceraft. then y/n eats her wholley with a volley of shots by trcaer eating her hair alive and consooming her kids forverer. 1 day later when hiro wakes up I mean y/n. you look under the sheets and you learn that you are prego. so you go eat a jar of tacos and you instantly give birtuh to like 10000 kids. 02 coms in an takes off ur cloths so she can grill you n a grill. you stay in her tiummy for the rst of ur life haha get rekt
"ok bet" ~matt