I Love Him

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Test Tube lay awake in bed at night.
     Why did Fan have to be such an idiot?!
     It was his own fault that he got eliminated, that was his fault. It was his fault that he just sat around talking to Suitcase the whole time instead of searching.
     Suitcase was the reason he got eliminated. Not only did he sit around talking to her the whole time, but she found the crystal instead of him.
     Thinking about Suitcase made anger boil up in her chest.
     Why was she so mad at Suitcase?
     She shouldn't be. She should be happy that Fan was making a new friend. Yeah, Suitcase got the crystal instead of Fan, but she was just playing the game.
     Sure, she had the right to be a little annoyed at Suitcase, but not nearly as mad as she was.
     She just couldn't help but thinking, what if there was more?
     She just couldn't stop thinking about what if they weren't just friends, that maybe she liked him, and perhaps he liked her back.
     This was stupid! This was so dumb! Why should she care? Why should she care about childish crushes? So what if they liked each other? If they did, she should be happy that her best friend was finding someone.
     But she just couldn't stand the thought of Suitcase and Fan being together. It made her feel sick to her stomach just thinking about it.
Why did she feel like this?
     She shifted her train of thought to just Fan himself.
     Just thinking of Fan made her chest feel warm. She thought of him and everything she loved about him automatically filled into her head. His laugh, his smile, the way his eyes shined when he talked about what he was passionate about.
     Just thinking about him brought a huge smile to her face and she couldn't help but cover her face with her hands.

     She loved him

     She loved him

     She loved him

     And she couldn't tell why. She should be mad at him. Not only did he get himself eliminated, but he was so insistent on preventing the egg from hatching. He had been nurturing this egg for weeks and he didn't want it to hatch? God he was such an idiot!
     But she loved him. She loved him and she couldn't stop. She didn't want to love him but she just couldn't stop that feeling. That feeling that made her chest warm and brought a smile to her face and made him seem to glow.
     Tears came to her eyes when she remembered that she was never going to be in the game with him again. They were hardly going to spend time together now that he was eliminated. Contestants in the game never got free time.

     It was almost enough to consider losing on purpose

     She shook the thought from her head. She can't lose, she applied for this game for a reason, and she was one of the select few that made it in. She needed this money, and she can't throw away an opportunity like this.
     She wiped the tears away and sighed. Now wasn't the time. She sat up and looked at the egg sitting on her bedside table. Carefully, she picked it up and hugged it to her chest.
     She had to take care of this egg, for Fan.

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