Untitled Part 1

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Chapter 1

Davidson Discovery

Time: 8/27/1823 Location: Classified

Scientist Davidson McCormick sat in his secret lab inside the forests of the secret island known as 'The Island of Secrets.' Davidson could not remember how long it has been since he stumbled upon the island in the early 1800's as a scientist conducting tests on a simple sailing boat. He soon realized the island was full of secrets and not what it seemed, it traps energy inside, and Davidson found out how to use that energy and convert it into a special power he calls 'power of the island' that if you find out how to unlock the possibilities are endless. But also the island is full of monsters, similar to regular animals but with genetic mishaps, like the rat monster, it looks like a regular rat but inky green, a couple inches bigger, 2 feet yellow teeth and sharp red, small eyes. There were countless monsters on the island, most understood english and most have their own territories, their own leaders, enemies and partnerships much like humans. Anyways, he sat in his study area with a evil grin. Due to old age he did not have enough energy to destroy his border, so he made a machine deep in the ground. He finished the machine last week but a couple days before he planned on activating it and destroying the world, the monsters ganged up on him. They were happy in the island and against his plan so they stole the ingredients to activate it and hid it on their territory. And that led him here, sitting in his study and planning on how to recover the materials. But then at that moment rocks started getting into the cave as a big scaly monster came in. He was the worst of them, with his rough greenish scaly skin, red glowing eyes like death! And razor-sharp teeth. His 4 jacked up legs came thundering down, one at a time, THUMP! THUMP! Davidson new this was his only chance to use a last resort he decided if he knew he would not have enough time to live to collect the materials. It was to use the last of power before he died to harness 'the power of the island' and try to make a prophecy to shape the future. Though it will take up all of his power and will probably kill him. But Davidson decided to take that risk. He jumped up from the ground as yellow swirling lights circled around him, energy entering in and out of his body, filling him with warmth. The voice that came out of him next was not his but a bellowing voice both soothing and fierce. "DESCENDANTS OF MINE IN THE 20TH CENTURY WILL COME ACROSS THIS ISLAND UNWITTINGLY, THEY WILL BE TRICKED BY THE ONES THAT THEY LOVED MOST, AND RUNNING FROM MONSTERS THAT THEY FIND GROSS, AND AT THE END IT WILL COME DOWN TO A FINAL MOMENT, AND ROVE TO ME IF THEY ARE A WORTHY DESCENDANT, WHEN THEY WILL EITHER DESTROY THE WORLD, OR SAVE IT!" and with that he dropped to the ground in a heap as the monster swung his poison spiked tail at the body and putting an end to the madness, for now...

Chapter 2

Packing Time

It was a warm summer day. James and Emma McCormick are packing for the journey to leave their uncle's house and start the school year at their parents.

"Do we have to go?" 12-year-old James cried as he stuffed a shirt into his suitcase.

"I know. Why do we have to go, Uncle Rick? It has been so fun to you this summer," 12-year-old Emma asked her Uncle, Whose name was Rick, as she packed up for the trip.

"Because school is starting and the summer is over, A=and I know how much you guys love school!" Rick tells them as he walks away.

"Whatever," James says as he rolls his eyes. "Emma, how much do you need to pack up? Seriously, that probably weighs a ton."

Emma just ignored her brother's comment and stuffed more clothes in her suitcase.

"Do we have to go" James complained once more.

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